WE - Project for Social Action and Art

Project facts

Project promoter:
Fourth Wall - Association of Performing Arts of Covilha
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 21,070
The project is carried out in:
Cova da Beira


Taking into account the need to reflect and intervene on female unemployment,this project aims at promoting equal opportunities in labour and employment,implementing innovative ways to minimise female unemployment through creative and artistic actions and sensitising to the importance of equal opportunities between women and men. The project proposes 2 actions:the Empowerment Labs,which are training laboratories targeted to unemployed women and college young women,with 3 complementing features:awareness-raising for gender equality,job seeking/creation capacity building and a theatre workshop; and Seminar EmpoderArte,which aims at gathering local power agents,institutions,companies,media and the population to promote and think about gender equality in labour and employment.

Summary of project results

The project was needed in order to address the issues of gender equality and the empowerment of unemployed women and female students towards integration and equal opportunities in the labour market in Covilhã, central Portugal. Artistic-pedagogical activities were carried out, as well as public debate, in order to raise awareness of the local population and empower the participants, but also for the promoter to gain new skills and to disseminate the project’s message. Nearly 400 people participated in the activities aimed at the general public, while 27 women took part in the “Empowerment Labs” within the scope of the project. Theatre performances, a blog and a project video further disseminated the message. The promoter and its partner, a local university, thus promoted democratic values in the region. For the promoter, this was a valuable learning experience which will improve its future activities addressing gender equality issues.

Summary of bilateral results