The aim of the project is to increase the knowledge of the directors, technicians, workers and volunteers of Portuguese Association for People with Disabilities (APD) in the field of equality of opportunities for persons with disabilities in order to enable a greater effectiveness in actions to carry out in that area. It aims also to broaden their skills in the area of social entrepreneurship and management in order to improve the efficiency and transparency of the Association and its financial sustainability. The project includes a training action on Intervention For Disability Equality and "Equal Opportunities/ Social Entrepreneurship, with a duration of 10 and 60 hours respectively, for national leaders, technicians and staff at national headquarters and to the volunteers. The second component part will to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in the first action to directors, technicians, workers and volunteers of the 17 branches that compose APD.
Summary of project results
The promoter was a Portuguese NGO devoted to the promotion of the rights of people with disabilities, and the project aimed at improving its effectiveness and sustainability by providing training on management and fundraising skills. An outside provider trained the staff at the national headquarters, who then disseminated these skills at the organization’s regional delegations. Overall, 112 persons were empowered. According to the promoter, the imparted skills are essential for good governance, for upholding the rights of people with disabilities, for social entrepreneurship and for financial sustainability, and will enhance its effectiveness in the future. The project also included the creation and dissemination of a “Disability and intervention for equality” manual, on equal opportunities for disabled people and social entrepreneurship.
Summary of bilateral results