
Project facts

Project promoter:
Cerebral Paralysis Association of Almada Seixal
Project Number:
Target groups
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 21,031
The project is carried out in:
Península de Setúbal


The goal of this project is to promote the capacitation of 15 children with mental disabilities and consequent communication problems, in order for them to learn and interact more easily with others. This will be achieved by providing a voice to those who do not have an intelligible speech; provide information and communication tools to students with cerebral palsy at school, at home or on the move, helping them to improve their communication skills; and provide wheelchairs with communication enhancement devices which are essential to disabled young people. This project is divided into six stages: 1- evaluation and case study; 2- purchase of devices and software (15 tablets and voice synthesizer available in different languages), 3G internet cards as well as tablet holders and covers; 3- installation of the devices on the wheelchairs; 4- Training users, their families and teachers; 5- Monitoring and assessment; 6- peers awareness raising in school context.

Summary of project results

Youths with cerebral palsy have less opportunities for achieving academic success and social integration at school. This project provided information and communication tools to 15 youths and equipped their wheelchairs with better technological means, thus helping to create a better future for them. The municipality of Seixal was a key partner in the project. After the beneficiaries were selected and their individual needs assessed, a supplier was selected for the necessary software and hardware. There were various training sessions with the recipients, families and teachers regarding the use of the equipment, and a subsequent satisfaction survey. The final results, on school performance and satisfaction levels regarding the equipment, exceeded expectations, and the project will have lasting effect. Communication and awareness-raising was also an important focus for this project. For the closing event, a theatre play was prepared and presented, being attended by over 300 people.

Summary of bilateral results