The project’s main goal is the legal formalization and empowerment of the Active Civil Society Platform, a group of 12 associations that gathered in 2010 and has ever since been operating on an informal and voluntary basis. Aiming at the expansion and deepening of its field of intervention, the promoter will boost the platform to be able to leverage NGOs’ civic intervention abilities and their influence in public policy decision-making processes. This collective capacity-building plan encompasses training sessions for the acquisition of management skills as well as the fostering of synergies and opportunities for the debate and exchange of best practices, including at international level - benchmarking with European counterparts. The creation of a Citizenship Observatory and the establishment of a Code of Conduct will be the project´s contribution to a more articulate, coherent and consistent Third Sector in Portugal. The project is managed by two NGOs that integrate the platform but it is intended to involve all its members, for they are seen as both beneficiaries and agents of the intervention.
Summary of project results
In Portugal the volunteering rate is lower than the EU average, the Third Sector corresponds only to 2.8% of the GDP, the level of interaction between the NGOs and the public sector is insufficient, the effectiveness of influencing public policies is low and the willingness and capacity of Civil Society Organisations to work together for common objectives is weak. Many NGOs do not own the management tools they need to properly pursue their activities and reach objectives. The project has set up – as planned – a Platform of Civil Society Associations (PASC), intended to become a Citizenship Home and whose purpose was to be an umbrella of as many NGOs as possible. The PASC was formally set up in July 2014. So far, 19 NGOs have adhered to this project but it should be seen as a long term project. The PASC website was also created. Among the PASC activities financed by the project, a Citizenship Observatory was created, a Code of Conduct for NGOs was elaborated and 6 training actions were organized (103 staff NGO members were trained in operational management; good practices and code of conduct; communication and collaborative work).
Summary of bilateral results