The promoter’s communication and fundraising area needs to be strengthened to meet its growing ambition. The project goal is to attain new skills, in order to approach the business sector as part of the promoter’s strategy to improve financial sustainability. The project will leverage partnerships needed by the promoter and explore existing opportunities, namely for corporate volunteering. There is the need to update and complement training in fundraising techniques, in particular as regards the approach to companies perceived as potential strategic partners. To achieve this goal, on the job training will be conducted with the Spanish partner, which will include the compilation and study of good practices. The project will also seek to interest companies regarding the promoter’s mission and activities. Companies to be approached will be identified and a multimedia presentation will be created for this purpose.
Summary of project results
The NGO’s Communication and Fundraising Department is composed of only 1 staff member, which has been insufficient to meet the challenges of the NGO growing activities and requests. Trainees (internships) and volunteers assisted in this area to strengthen on going activities and to explore new mechanisms, particularly in fundraising, but did not prove to be a satisfactory solution. At the level of competencies, the need to update and complement training in fundraising techniques, namely to approach companies identified as potential strategic partners, was identified. The integration of the NGO into one international network with more experienced partners, was seen as an added value for capacity-building and access to new tools. Capacity building of the C&F Department included participation in several training actions on fundraising, communication and volunteering (including on-job in a new partner NGO in Spain), the creation of a web platform to raise funds, creation of promotional multimedia material, the formalisation of 4 partnerships with private companies, the elaboration of a Fundraising plan for the institution for the next 2 years and the organization of a workshop for NGOs on fundraising (with 60 participants) on the basis of the knowledge and lessons learned from the Spanish partner (dissemination activity). The NGO reports that the project was very important to call the attention to this topic, to create a momentum in this area inside the NGO (with training involving as well the NGO leaders and staff from other departments) and to build competences and skills to act in the future. The outcomes were not yet visible by the end of project but the basis for a step forward is now incorporated in the NGO.
Summary of bilateral results