In Portugal, the gap that exists in high enthalpy geothermal resources training, from its exploration to its exploitation, justifies the need of professional training. The objective of the project is to enhance the capacity within geothermal exploration and its development in the region. The project is expected to improve skills of 2 Azorean professionals in high enthalpy geothermal energy utilization through the participation in a postgraduate training programme, the Geothermal Training Programme of the United Nations University (UNU-GTP), in Iceland. The programme consists of six months annual training for practicing professionals from countries with significant geothermal potential, like Azores Archipelago (Portugal). The sustainable use of energy resources is the basis for future economic growth and well being. Two scientific papers will be published. Collaboration between UNU-GTP, Iceland, and Azorean professionals through networking, sharing and transfer of knowledge, experience and best practices will strengthen bilateral relations between Iceland and Azores, Portugal.
Summary of project results
In Portugal, there is a market gap in what concerns the education in high enthalpy geothermal resources from its exploration to its exploitation. The project changed this situation. Almost every relevant higher education institution in Portugal offers education on renewable energy utilisation in general terms, but they do not focus on high enthalpy geothermal resources, and professional training for every development stage in a geothermal project for electricity generation is needed.The project contributed to improve the professionals skills and also contributed to lifelong learning which is absolutely a necessity in such an innovative field like renewable energy technology. During 2015, two Azorean professionals participated in the United Nations University Geothermal Training Programme (UNU-GTP) in Iceland, in their chosen fields of specialization and two scientific papers originating in the programme were published.
Summary of bilateral results
The cooperation between the donor and beneficiary states contributed to a closer relationship among the countries, while also to the achievement of the EU 20-20-20 targets in the field of using renewable energy sources. The project contributed to improve the professionals skills to perform their duties. the PO decided that the UNU-GTP has the best expert competence to train the small group of Azores in what concerns the education in high enthalpy geothermal resources from its exploration to its exploitation through professional. T