Marine trophic chains - Learn to Communicate

Project facts

Project promoter:
CIIMAR -Interdisciplinary Center for Marine and Envirommental Research
Project Number:
Target groups
Schools and other institutions providing education and/or training at all levels,
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 13,160
The project is carried out in:
Grande Porto


One of the MSFD’s (Marine Strategy Framework Directive) GES (Good Environmental Status) descriptors states that the balance of marine and coastal ecosystems is directly linked to the maintenance of their food webs. Therefore, this application identifies a number of concepts and processes inherent to the subject of trophic relationships that are important to disclose in order to implement Ocean Literacy, for its recovery and consequent sustainability of its resources, crucial for the maintenance of marine waters’ GES. This project aims to attain 2000 new views of the Ocean Literacy site and realize six awareness-raising initiatives for students of different levels of education and the general public, including guided construction of original science communication products and statements, leading to the implementation of preservation and maintenance of marine food chains ecosystems best practices.

Summary of project results

The project identified a series of concepts and processes inherent to the topic of food relations with a view to their dissemination and implementation of oceanic literacy, for valorization and consequent sustainability of their resources, crucial for the maintenance of the BEA of marine waters. The project was aimed at the entire school community, with a special focus on students in the 3rd cycle of basic education. Activities were developed also aimed at other levels of education, as well as the population in general. The set of proposed initiatives aimed to give young people new knowledge increasing the understanding of the complexity of the marine and coastal food chains, its importance for the maintenance of the BEA and to stimulate this acquired knowledge of to provide moments of reflection, use and transformation of this knowledge in communication products. Initiatives proposed and carried out: Construction of a Facebook page and a website (; Lectures in the schools of the Porto metropolitan area on the theme of the food chains in the framework of the DQEM. There were 14 lectures; Elaboration of online games such as quizzes, alphabet soup and crosswords for teachers and students of different age groups; 14 online games have been developed; Development of mini-projects of scientific communication "Know to Communicate" with students of the 3rd cycle. Launching of the project in the AquaPorto 2015 event (8000 visitors); Informal conversations with CIIMAR researchers called "Ciencia à Conversa"; Visits to CIIMAR; a Science Communication Workshop - "Communicating the marine sciences for geeks" Developing a communication product (3D marine trophic pyramid) and Building an Interactive and itinerant Pop up Exhibition, consisting of the pyramid, panels, video and an information leaflet. 230 students from eight schools in the metropolitan area of Porto; A final "Open Day Ocean" event for the school community and the general public with presentation of the final works, inauguration of the exhibition and development of other activities (820 visitors in the final event and 20,000 in the event Aquaporto 2016); Adaptation of the pedagogical contents carried out in the scope of the project, for the online availability in e-learning format, in one of the platforms of the University of Porto, Moodle and/or Mooc (The communication workshop was available:…)

Summary of bilateral results