Implementation of innovative, ecological products and technologies in Protech Sp. z o.o.

Project facts

Project promoter:
Protech Sp. z o. o.
Project Number:
Target groups
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 297,000
The project is carried out in:


Project description: Protech is the major producer of steel, welded, central heating boilers. The main objective of the project supported by GII Programme is R&D works aimed at raising class of boilers. The aim is implementation of a new green product – boiler with class V of energy efficiency. The company will also purchase recuperation system for the recovery and reuse of process heat, next-generation laser, and also photovoltaic system designed to power part of production equipment. Project objectives: • Reducing energy consumption in the production process and the functioning of the company by approx. 189 MWh/year • Implementing new class of boilers with lesser emission of CO2, dust and organic gaseous compounds Outcome indicators: • Number of environmental technologies successfully applied for use in new areas - 2 • Green jobs created – 3 new green jobs • Reduction in CO2 emissions – 189 tones/ year

Summary of project results

The project involved research and development works aimed at raising the class of the produced boilers. The objective was to implement a new boiler with energy efficiency class V. The company purchased a recuperation system for the recovery and reuse of process heat, a next-generation laser, and a photovoltaic system intended for powering part of the production equipment. This investment resulted in lower energy consumption in the production process and the functioning of the company leading to CO2 emission reduced by approx. 138 tons/year. Project will have an indirect green effect in the form of reduced CO2 emission in the households of end consumers using Protech boilers.

Summary of bilateral results