The project is orientated to increase the competences of the Prison Service (PS) staff by providing the opportunity to participate in forms of vocational training focused on raising abilities which are essential for fulfilment of their duties. Completion of a unified training scheme, adjusted to the employees’ training needs will contribute to enhancement of the effectiveness of the rehabilitation effect among convicts by improvement of the tasks being performed by the PS staff. The new training model will enrich the existing system of education by adding the opportunity to achieve skills needed for dealing with difficult situations. The project’s aim is to train different categories of PS staff, accordingly, in the field of health care, occupational medicine, fire prevention, legislative skills, administration of IT systems, IT projects management and knowledge of foreign languages. Support for 1104 PS employees shall be provided.
Summary of project results
The main objective of the Project was to increase the competences of Prison Service (PS) staff through creating the possibilities to participate in different forms of professional development, directed at upgrading the skills needed for correct performing professional duties. Human Resources and Training Office at the Central Board of Prison Service is responsible for implementation of the strategy of human resources management and professional development of Prison Service staff. The project assumed participation of the staff in different forms of professional development, according to training needs. Implementation of the trainings gave an opportunity of development and gaining specified qualifications and skills of a correct performance of professional duties. Additional number of trainings, courses, studies will allow for improving the effectiveness and quality of professional duties. The outcome of the Project was providing 1573 forms of support for a group of 1582 prison officers and civil employees of PS in the form of: courses, trainings and post-graduate studies. They allowed for, among others, acquiring and improving the skills in the scope of performing specified medical procedures by doctors, nurses and midwives in the situations of life and health threat, improvement of psychophysical condition of prison officers and employees of PS through upgrading their ability to cope with professional pathologies, issues regulating legislation process in Poland, European Union and topics concerning editing legal texts, providing safety for inmates during their stay in penitentiary facilities through preventing fire threat, IT systems and their safety, IT projects management, foreign languages knowledge.1 974 certificates were granted (target value: 1 688) in the area of professional courses, training programmes and postgraduate studies. Project implementation started in June 2013 and finished in December 2015 and it included all organisational units of PS. In the project the expenditures were incurred for the purchase of “The coaching game” sets, teaching materials and purchase of the equipment for outside and inside gym in the Prison Service Staff Development Centre in Sucha, outside gym for outside unit in Zwartowo and 15 laptops.
Summary of bilateral results