Stop violence – second chance

Project facts

Project promoter:
Central Board of Prison Service
Project Number:
Target groups
Victims of intimate-partner violence
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 330,087
The project is carried out in:


The number of penitentiary staff trained to work with perpetrators of domestic and gender-based violence is insufficient. As a result, not all of the convicts participate in the educational and rehabilitative programmes aimed at non-agression and non-violence. Due to the complexity of the therapeutic work with violence perpetrators, it is necessary to increase the number of correctional officers who are qualified to conduct highly specialised programmes addressed to this group of convicts. Introduction of trainings for professionals dealing with the perpetrators will develop and increase the number of programmes addressed to this group of convicts. This would reduce domestic violence in the families of the convicts, facilitate convicts' contacts with non-isolated environment and improve their future performance in society. The courses and trainings are addressed to correctional officers and employees of the penitentiary department, as well as management staff.

Summary of project results

The project included three modules: 1. Highly specialized training for staff of penal institutions on conducting corrective-educational programmes for perpetrators of domestic and gender-based violence, 2. Supervisions for staff working with perpetrators and 3. Management of highly specialized corrective-educational programmes. Highly specialized training on conducting corrective-educational programmes for perpetrators of domestic and gender-based violence was attended and completed by the total of 170 staff members. Moreover, 98 managers of penal institutions were trained. Penal institutions which took part in the project were provided with equipment necessary to carry out measures for inmates. Re-education packages were purchased, including books, films and manuals for working with perpetrators of domestic violence. Thanks to increasing the number of professionals who conduct corrective-educational programmes, more perpetrators have an opportunity to participate in such measures. As a result of the project 80 penal institutions implement corrective-educational programmes for perpetrators of domestic violence and 20 institutions - for perpetrators of gender-based violence. The results of the project have been achieved.

Summary of bilateral results