The project is addressing the problem of gender-based violence, and particularly violence against women. Women and girls are most often the victims of violence. According to official statistics on domestic violence in 2012, published by the Polish Police, more than 65% of all reported acts of violence were experienced by adult women. We want to disseminate the knowledge on the sources and cultural determinants of violence based on gender, its consequences, and ways of preventing it, responding to violence and ways to support and help individuals experiencing violence. The result of the project should be better quality of services already offered to women experiencing violence. We plan to organize meetings with experts, coordinate the work of mobile information point, and prepare information and hardcopy materials on gender-based violence. Another project result will be higher availability of services offered to women experiencing violence. We will educate competent anti-violence workers, who will create their own empowerment programs, gender-based violence awareness campaigns, ect.
Summary of project results
The project was addressing the problem of gender-based violence against women. Women and girls are most often the victims of violence. According to official statistics on domestic violence in 2012, published by the Polish Police, more than 65% of all reported acts of violence were experienced by adult women. The project aimed at disseminating knowledge on the sources and cultural determinants of violence based on gender, its consequences, and ways of preventing it, responding to violence and ways to support and help individuals experiencing violence. In total 362 women, victims of violence, participated in therapeutic programmes (WenDo) organised under the project. Training manual for professionals on preventing gender-based violence was developed and widely distributed. The project involved also awareness raising activities, expert meetings and capacity building - 20 competent anti-violence workers were educated, who are able to implement empowerment programs, gender-based violence awareness campaigns, ect. As a result of the project access to services and quality of services offered to women experiencing violence improved.
Summary of bilateral results