Reducing social inequalities in health

Project facts

Project promoter:
Ministry of Health
Project Number:
Target groups
People with addictions (drug, alcohol, other),
Young adults
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 1,801,991
The project is carried out in:


In Poland, the extending average life expectancy is accompanied by persistent health inequalities. This phenomenon may be remedied by improving governance in health care, which is itself the project objective. Best method to increase effectiveness in governance is implementation of evidence based solutions, like models and strategies. Predefined project (PP) assumptions predict delivery of 6 models/reports and a cross-sectoral strategy on reducing social inequalities in health. This strategy is likely to contribute to the work on the National Health Program 2016+ and other Polish mid-term strategies. Additionally, PP includes running a cycle of trainings in the area of public health, that are dedicated to academic teachers, medical staff and civil servants in poviat offices. The venture is a donor partnership project to be implemented together with the Norwegian Directorate of Health. It is assumed to transfer Norwegian know-how and best practices to Poland, as Norway is considered as one of the countries that deal best with the issue of inequalities in health. The project will benefit mainly civil servants, health related institutions and Polish society.

Summary of project results

It was observed that the reduction of negative trends in healthcare starts with the good governance of resources. This demands a) identification of problems, b) proper management tools which could be used effectively to reduce social inequalities in health and (c) improvement of knowledge and skills of people who deliver information to healthcare system and those who are responsible for undertaking actions in public health. Therefore the project was devided in 3 main parts a) elaboration of tools that enable to diagnose situation in Polish healthcare system (4 reports, models and 1 cross-sectoral strategy on counteracting inequalities in health. All outcomes achieved as planned) b) development of tools that enable better planning of prophylaxis and health promotion actions (2 models on local level. All planned outcomes achieved) c) trainings regarding public health/public health management and coding of death causes (3001 people trained -3000 were planned, 3 training curricula elaborated – elaboration of 2 curricula was planned). The project was implemented by Polish Ministry of Health in partnership with donor project partner (Norwegian Directorate of Health), National Institute of Public Health (PL) and National Health Fund (PL), so the scope of analysis was very wide and achieved outcomes will bring positive effects in the future i.e analised material contributed to the work on the National Health Program 2016+ and other Polish mid-term strategies. All project indicators have been achieved -outcomes are available at a knowledge base that will operate for at least 3 years after the acceptance of project completion report. Additional information: additional sources i.e fund for bilateral relations have not been used in this project.

Summary of bilateral results

The project works were attended by experts from the Norwegian Directorate of Health. Cooperation was founded on the partnership agreement within predefined project, aiming at reducing social inequalities in health in Poland. Involvement of the Norwegian experts provided significant support at various stages of the project implementation. In addition, the Directorate itself developed materials that were used in the final versions of models/reports, which are presented below: 1. Public health measures at the poviat level 2. Anti-smoking program at schools in Norway "(permission was obtained from the Norwegian Directorate to adapt the tool to Polish conditions) 3. Norwegian Strategy to reduce social inequities in health 4. Activities in the field of public health at the urban and poviat level, A collection of examples from Norway, with particular reference to the More and Ramsdal poviats 5. Limiting the use of tobacco products among young people There were also study visits organised in the project, which let to get acquainted with solutions on reducing social inequalities in health proposed by the Norwegian Directorate of Health and Norwegian Institute of Public Health. Exchange of experience and good practices were reflected in the final versions of elaborations developed under the project.