There is a particular need to address heart diseases, atherosclerotic diseases and cerebrovascular diseases among the country-side population in Poland. This need has been confirmed by statistical data on morbidity and mortality carried out in the country. The aim of the project is to improve public health and reduce social inequalities in health, and particularly reduce the incidence of diseases related to lifestyle. The project is aimed at people directly threatened by the incidence of cardiovascular diseases, but also at the general population of the county through increasing awareness of the importance of health and healthy lifestyle. The project contributes to the lowering of the mortality rate due to cardiovascular diseases, since it focuses on the prevention of diseases with the greatest impact on the mortality indicators. Through this project, the number of people participating in health promotion programs will be 21000, the number of people participating in prevention programs will be 23500, and the the number of persons subject to preventive examinations will be 3500. The supplementary tasks related to main goal will be implemented - the project gained additional funding in a reallocation procedure.
Summary of project results
For the Kutnowski poviat population, special importance of heart diseases, atherosclerotic diseases and cerebrovascular diseases has been detected. This conclusion is confirmed by statistical data on morbidity and mortality. The aim of the project was to improve public health and reduce social inequalities in health, as well as reduce the incidence of diseases related to lifestyle in the poviat. The project targeted people directly threatened by the incidence of cardiovascular diseases and the general population by developing health promotion and healthy lifestyle. Through prophylactic activities, such as medical examinations, social campaigns, picnics, workshops for poviat’s inhabitants, the project contributed to the improvement of mortality in the field of cardiovascular diseases, since it focused on the prevention of diseases with the greatest impact on the mortality indicators. All indicators were achieved: over 23 000 people participated in prevention activities, including medical examinations, over 700 people took part in healthy diet workshops, 12 picnics dedicated to healthy lifestyle and proper diet were organised. These activities contributed to the main goal of the project and achieved results were even higher than initially planned: more people took medical examinations, developed their knowledge on healthy lifestyle and diet. These were very important steps towards improving the health in Kutnowski poviat.
Summary of bilateral results