I take care of breath - prevention of respiratory diseases in the Ostrołęka district

Project facts

Project promoter:
District Ostroleka
Project Number:
Target groups
Young adults
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 353,592
The project is carried out in:


Ostrołęka district has a very high mortality due to respiratory diseases, particularly of pneumonia and chronic lower respiratory diseases. This is due to, amongst others, little knowledge about the harmfulness of tobacco and air pollution, and weak access to health care. The aim of the project is to raise public awareness of the negative impact of smoking and lifestyle on the respiratory system and increase access and use of specialist medical care and diagnostics on lower respiratory tract infections among residents. The project involves the implementation of prevention programmes for diseases of the respiratory system for 4800 people and health promotion programmmes for 4400 people in the district of Ostrołęka. Screening for lung and bronchial diseases, and the promotion of healthy behavior will help to reduce the number of deaths in this area. The project will mainly benefit males between 35-59 years; active and passive smokers; people over 65 years of age and youth from Upper Secondary schools. In this last group it will be possible to implement health promotion even after the completion of the project through teaching aids.

Summary of project results

Ostroleka district has very high mortality due to respiratory disease, particularly of pneumonia and chronic lower respiratory diseases. The aim of the project was to raise the public awareness of the negative impact of smoking and lifestyle on condition of the respiratory system and increasing access to the specialized medical care and diagnostics lower respiratory tract infections among the Ostroleka district residents. During preventive actions 4400 persons were examined, of which 950 underwent further, more detailed examinations, including consultations with pulmonary diseases specialists, X-ray and CT tests. Participants of the Actions also obtained advice from nutrition specialists and showed willingness to change their lifestyles and diets. 576 students took part in actions organized for youth whilst 1851 persons participated in workshops for primary schools and junior high schools. Participants of the educational activities were acquainted with information concerning smoking, drugs and alcohol abuse and with the principles of healthy nutrition. Students who took part in workshops were educated on the negative effects of smoking and its influence on human’s health. Educational activities encouraged students to adopt healthy lifestyle and to spend their time actively with the emphasis put on preventive health care. Students were very active during the activities – they took part in games and used teaching aids which presented discussed problems in an explicit way. They were familiarized with dangers related to particular addictions and became aware of the correct attitudes which should be adopted by them and their families in the future. Screening for lung and bronchial diseases, and the promotion of healthy behavior helped to reduce the number of deaths in this area. The medical examinations that we offer to people in our project detect lung diseases. With the project benefited mainly males between the ages 35-59 years, active and passive smokers, people over 65 years of age and youth from Upper Secondary schools. What is important, in last group through teaching aids purchased within the project will be possible to implement health promotion even after the completion of the project. The aim of the project has been achieved by implementation of the health promotion program and prevention program in the district of Ostroleka.

Summary of bilateral results