For the population of Kwidzyn district; bronchus, cervix and lung cancer is an issue of high relevance.This conclusion is confirmed by the analysis of mortality and morbidity statistical data. The aim of the project is to improve public health and reduce social inequalities in health. The primary target group is all locals in the district. There are only soft-measures planned under the project. Its goal will be achieved through implementing the following actions: I. health promotion programmes in local community (25,000 participants, including i.a. 1200 within health promotion picnics and 600 within workshops at schools) II. disease prevention programme in local community (5500 participants, including 4000 screening examinationss and 1500 people covered by a vaccine programme - HPV).
Summary of project results
Increasing mortality rate caused by lung, bronchus and cervical cancer in the area of Kwidzyn Poviat, made the authorities to undertake necessary steps in order to counteract this negative phenomena. It was decided to implement a project addressed to local inhabitants, which aim was to improve the availability of health services as well as to raise the awareness on mentioned above ilnesses. 6 458 persons participated in the project (target – 5 500), of which 4 958 persons took part in preventive examinations (3 300 – cervix, 1 658 – lung and bronchus) and 1 500 were vaccinated against HPV. There were also promotional activities, that consisted in organisation of 26 events which draw the attention of the community to health problems. 6 health picnics were also organised (2 000 participants), 6 workshops for students (779 persons), 6 workshops for teachers (139 persons), 6 meetings for farmers wifes’ association (132 persons), 2 workshops for GPs (43 persons). 3 093 persons participated in promotional activities in general (planned target – 1 800). Promotional campaigns in local press and TV station were organised within the Project together with the distribution of leaflets, posters, billboards and brochures. 25.000 locals participated in promotional campaigns (target - 25 000). All project indicators have been achieved. The following may be identified as direct benefits of this Project: a) the increase of detection rate within lung, bronchus and cervical cancer, b) reduction of HPV infections 1 500 persons, c) evidence based health diagnosis of local community d) the increase of awareness of local community about health problems, i.a. the impact of healthy diet, smoking tobacco, physical activity, stress and alcohol consumption. The activities implemented within the project will bring further effects in the reduction of mortality rate in a long-time perspective.
Summary of bilateral results