Integrated wetland flow model: A tool for management adaptation in protected wetlands (WETFLOD)

Project facts

Project promoter:
Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Project Number:
Target groups
Researchers or scientists
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 72,906
The project is carried out in:


Floodplain wetlands are the interface of agriculture, biodiversity and societies. Description of the complex hydrological processes and their interactions on the floodplains requires advanced computational research. The objective of the Project is the development of integrated wetland flow model capable to simulate groundwater and surface water interactions. These hydrological processes are compulsory to be modelled in order to assure the scientific background for adaptive ecosystem management in lowland floodplain facing land use pressures. Developed integrated model will let to assess water exchange between the floodplain and the aquifer in various compositions of landscapes and impacts with special regard to the climate change. Project outcomes are aimed to reach the research society (as to the technical background of the modelling approach) and stakeholders responsible for ecosystem management in the area of research (as its practical implementation).

Summary of project results

Project WETFLOD allowed to provide better understanding of river- groundwater interactions in terms of field monitoring and development ofnew colculation tool. Results ofthe research were published ond new research actMties based upon the main findings of the WETFLOD project are to be sustained in the form of international cooperation. Objectives of the project referred to as development of monitoring network, development of a new calculation tool and enhancement of the management of temperate floodplain wetlands were successfully reached. Results of the project, on top of its scientific excellence, were passed through to the environmental management authorities. The outeome of the project defined as a tool was successfully delivered and applied in practice. Scientific output was reached to the higher extent than planned (5 papers prepared, 1 paper already published, 2 student theses prepared and defended, 2 Scopus and ISI-indexed papers published). The project allowed initiation and continuation of a novel research. The main benefits gained from the project are: established monitoring network, developed modelling algorithm, publications and international cooperation that is likely to explore new research fields. The project WETFLOD allowed preparation of scientific input indispensable for the principal investigator as a core content of her habilitation degree. The donor was acknowledged in total in 7 publications (1 published, 3 submitted, 1 in preparation and 2 conference proceedings) as an outstanding funding source. The donor was additionally acknowledged in 5 international conferences and 2 national scientific conferences. Very user-friendly project management and accounting issues of the EEA and Norway Grants allowed smooth implementation and reporting of the project.

Summary of bilateral results