Poles are the largest immigration group in Iceland, so far mainly analyzed in an economic context. However, contemporary migrants, like tourists, are also motivated by the images of nature and the ability to perform specific activities (lifestyle migration). The objectives of the project are: developing collaboration between University of Gdańsk and University of Iceland together with developing an innovative research approach, which combines issues of mobility (migration and tourism) with the concept of nature practices.The main result of the project will be an academic book and a conference. The results will be achieved by establishing working team of researchers and students from both universities who will work together throughout seminars. The benefits will be teachers and students training, increased international attractiveness of the institutions and knowledge development. Partners will organize the seminars at their universities (two each) and will cooperate on presenting this in a book edition.
Summary of project results
The project was based on cooperation between anthropologists, sociologists, social geographers from the University of Gdansk and the University of Iceland. The fact that Polish migrants were a significant presence in Iceland was the starting point and a pretext for beginning cooperation. However, the project was not about describing that community. It sought to ask questions concerning the relationship between mobility, leisure and nature, especially between migrations and tourism. “It turned out that those questions went beyond Polish-Icelandic relations and migration sociology; that they referred to the general importance of mobility in social relations and to situating people in time and space”, says Agata Bachórz, project coordinator. “During the cyclical meetings of the Polish and Norwegian teams we managed to steer the discussion on important issues relatively new to modern anthropology and sociology. Our short visits to the University of Iceland allowed us to have a look at its vibrant everyday life, organisational culture, partner relationship between various participants in that HEI’s academic life.” Four seminars and workshops were the most important project outcomes – two such meetings were held at each university. However, they were not a purpose in itself. They were a means to prepare a multidimensional and original academic book. The international conference Intersections of tourism and migration held in Gdansk in April 2016 was the crowning event. The partners prepared an innovative book entitled Mobility to the edges of Europe. The case of Iceland and Poland. As a result of exchanging experiences for two years, it was possible to develop a real platform for cooperation between employees, doctoral students and students from the two partner institutions. Thanks to the well-planned distribution of the publication and free access to it offered by digital platforms, the publication has reached and is still reaching sociologists and anthropologists not only in Poland and Iceland. Outcomes and impact: (1) the project was an important experience for academic teachers involved in its implementation; (2) the project resulted in the publication Mobility to the edges of Europe. The case of Iceland and Poland; employees developed their skills relating to project management and cooperation within international teams; (3) opening to other ways of thinking and new scientific disciplines; (4)improvement of workshop-related and academic skills in English.
Summary of bilateral results
The international conference Intersections of tourism and migration held in Gdansk in April 2016 was the crowning event. The partners prepared an innovative book entitled Mobility to the edges of Europe. The case of Iceland and Poland. As a result of exchanging experiences for two years, it was possible to develop a real platform for cooperation between employees, doctoral students and students from the two partner institutions. Thanks to the well-planned distribution of the publication and free access to it offered by digital platforms, the publication has reached and is still reaching sociologists and anthropologists not only in Poland and Iceland. Due to our original approach to the issues discussed in the book, it will be used for academic teaching purposes in Poland and other countries. Each of the universities brought necessary human resources and infrastructure. Above all, not only the realization of individual tasks by each of the partners, but the cooperation between them in achieving the main result - academic publication, was especially satisfactory. The partnership achieved valuable research approach on existing migration between Poland and Iceland as well as the relation between tourism and migration. It is important, since the two countries have been recently connected by increased migration flows and the newly established links have not been studied sufficiently yet. This may be useful not only for academia, but for the policy makers too. The possibility of future academic networking and cooperation influences the bilateral relations too.