Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie

Project facts

Project promoter:
Warsaw School of Economics
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 23,030
The project is carried out in:

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The purpose of Warsaw School of Economics' SGH participation in the project is to promote and increase mobility of its students and employees and to develop cooperation between SGH and its partners in Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein. Exchange of academic teachers will provide access to knowledge on new techniques and teaching methods; arrivals of teachers from partner institutions will give SGH students wider access to foreign course materials. Mutual study and training visits will allow employees to better understand specificity of partner institutions and enable the exchange of best practices to improve organisation of work in universities. They will also enable broadening of economic and cultural knowledge of our countries and building the basis for the implementation of new educational and research projects, including joint projects within the Erasmus+ programme. Participation in STF project will also support the "CEMS MIM" program, which is carried out within global network where Norwegian School of Economics NHH is one of members.

Summary of project results

The project aimed at strengthening the exchange of students and staff between Warsaw School of Economics SGH and its partner universities from Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. The goal has been achieved through the reception of students from NHH Norwegian School of Economics, carrying out of the incoming and outgoing staff mobility (bilateral exchange of teaching staff between SGH and the University of Liechtenstein, as well as incoming staff mobility for training purposes from the University of Iceland) and the realization of outgoing student mobility from Warsaw School of Economics to partner universities in the Donor - States. Thanks to the formerly established contacts (including Preparatory Visit under Scholarship and Training Fund) at the University of Liechtenstein the research and teaching cooperation has been strengthened. SGH plans to continue cooperation with all its partner universities.

Summary of bilateral results