Estimations of CRR Polska indicate that 30% of people conducting business activities are not aware of legal obligations pursuant to acts of environmental law. In the opinion of the above-mentioned it's well-established that environmental law is complex and ambiguous. A recent PARP review indicated that 5%-74% of people conducting business repeatedly violates environmental law regulations. The project’s goal is to implement a pilot edition of the post-graduate studies corresponding to the needs of occupational groups, whose activity requires knowing the environmental law regulations. Increasing of the students’ law awareness will follow through the work of appropriate partners, engaged among others in: •Developing a programme •Teaching materials •Promotional and info activities •Monitoring •Evaluation of taken actions/results •Summarising conference The exchange of experiences and good practice will facilitate in conducting new projects in the future.
Summary of project results
The project assumed the implementation of the post-graduate studies „Legal instruments of environmental protection” consisting of three modules: a basic one and two specialized ones (Environmental protection administration; Environmental protection in conducting business activity; Environmental protection in agricultural activity). Considering formal measures, 60 persons were granted 180 hours of the course and the next 60 attended the courses of 45 hours each. During the project the Beneficiary generated a number of specific results; i. e. the post-graduate studies outline in a form of internal document which does not necessitate publication (1 document); the outlines/programs of specialized modules (2 documents); syllabuses to all the subjects lectured (all 42 documents printed and available on the project’s website); teaching materials to each of the lectures distributed via Internet, submitted on a webpage and burned on CDs for (42 presentations and text files). Moreover, on April 28 a conference summarizing the project was organized and the post-conference papers edited and reviewed (book edition in 280 copies and full electronic version available on-line). All the project objectives and goals were fully achieved. The attainment of all planned activities made a sustainable change for all of the students. Cooperation with the Partners and using their experience and knowledge about the group’s needs made it possible to develop the innovative program of the studies precisely adjusted to those needs. The worked benefits and gained experience allows to establish a new value in the field of environment protection education and made a starting point for introducing a new educational model which will allow the further development of MCSU’ educational offer.
Summary of bilateral results