The project EduZR was established as an answer to: 1) a low level of environmental awareness of Polish people, 2) staggering data of European Environment Agency concerning air pollution in Polish cities, and 3) lack of system solutions in accordance to environment protection. There is a need of a new environment training program implementation targeted at future teachers, who would transfer environmental knowledge from academic level to schools and local communities. Pedagogical universities do not provide specializations concerning evrironment, therefore the project focuses predominantely on development of a new subject "Environmental Field Practice Laboratory" for early education students. Moreover, new teaching materials and an envrionmental quidebook will be developed. The main aim of the project is to increase the environmental awareness and climate change among students of teacher specializations.
Summary of project results
Goals of the project - context/why was the project needed: 1) To increase environmental awareness and knowledge based on the environment and climate change among students of teacher specializations. 2) To increase social awareness and education of biodiversity and ecosystems, including climate change 3) To raise the level of graduate and employees of public institutions’ competence in the field of the environment and climate, as an important factor for economic development. 4) Understanding Norwegian system of education and teaching standards, exchange of experiences 5) Observation of children’s outdoor activities (classes I-III) Observation of students’ classess – future teachers conducting outdoor education. Effects of the project: First publication “Guidebook”: Environmental education in the nature. Towards the Pedagogy of sustainable development. (red) J. Bałachowicz, L. Tuszyńska (language of publication PL) Seminar for 15 academic teachers: Environmental education in nature Implement new methods of work "Field Laboratory in Nature” for student speciality Early childhood education on Academy of Special Education im. M. Grzegorzewskiej Second publication: Theoretical and practical introduction to subject "Field Laboratory in Nature" (language of publication PL) Part I Environmental education in nature – a practical perspective L. Tuszyńska, A. Korwin-Szymanowska, E. Lewandowska. Part II Environmental education in nature – a theoretical perspective J. Bałachowicz, , K. V.Halvorsen, A. Witkowska-Tomaszewska International conference on ending of project: Environmental Education for Sustainable Development in Teachers’ Education ( 16 may 2015, Academy of Special Education im. M. Grzegorzewskiej) Third publication on the ending of project (language of publication PL/ENG) I part Education for sustainable development - in the perspective of the challenges of the knowledge society A. Korwin-Szymanowska, E. Lewandowska, A. Witkowska-Tomaszewska, The concept of sustainable development in teacher education, L. Tuszyńska (red.)
Summary of bilateral results
The effects of co-operation: 1)“Guidebook”: Environmental education in the nature. Towards the Pedagogy of sustainable development. (red) J. Bałachowicz, L. Tuszyńska (language of publication PL) 2)Theoretical and practical introduction to subject "Field Laboratory in Nature" (language of publication PL) authors J. Bałachowicz, L. Tuszyńska, K. V.Halvorsen , E. Lewandowska. A. Korwin-Szymanowska, A. Witkowska-Tomaszewska Part I Environmental education in nature – a practical perspective L. Tuszyńska, A. Korwin-Szymanowska, E. Lewandowska. Part II Environmental education in nature – a theoretical perspective J. Bałachowicz, , K. V.Halvorsen, A. Witkowska-Tomaszewska 3) Third publication on the ending of project (language of publication PL/ENG) I part Education for sustainable development - in the perspective of the challenges of the knowledge society A. Korwin-Szymanowska, E. Lewandowska, A. WItkowska-Tomaszewska, The concept of sustainable development in teacher education, L. Tuszyńska (red.) 4)Prepare the continuation of the project. Education outside the classroom. The project 25-29 June 2016, together with teachers from primary school and kindergarten field trip is planned for the workshop outdoor education to Norway.