A philologist attractive at labour market. Preparing and implementing study programmes of practical profile for the Faculty of Modern Languages and Literature in WSF in cooperation with HiSF

Project facts

Project promoter:
Philological School of Higher Education in Wroclaw
Project Number:
Target groups
Researchers or scientists
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 119,156
The project is carried out in:

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Project actions lead to implementation of innovative study programmes (SP) responding to the needs and challenges emerging at national and European level, prepared in cooperation with enterprise and economic environment. Project’s aim is to ensure development of WSF through implementation of SPs for practical profile by: providing skill-based knowledge, allowing students to successfully enter labor market, strengthening cooperation with graduates and employers, application of modern didactic solutions for practical training. Outcomes: SPs of practical profile, WSF-employers meeting reports, students/graduates/employers on-line portal, WSF development strategy plan in line with new requirements for higher education, translation labs, project final report. The project involves cooperation of partners in all project actions and evaluation.

Summary of project results

The idea of the project emerged from the demand for bringing together the world of academic education and of the labor market. The need for education based on the experience of practitioners and representatives of various spheres of vocational practice and providing skill-based knowledge, as well as allowing the students to successfully transfer from university to labor market was identified on the basis of current trends and problems in students and graduates employability. The main objective of the project was to strengthen the WSF development potential through the implementation and improvement of the educational offer within practice- and vocation-oriented study programs designed in close cooperation with the employers and other stakeholders: representatives of labor market, graduates and the Partner. The specific tasks planned within the project were aimed at reaching that objective and facilitate students and graduates’ transfer from studies to employment. The far-reaching impact of the actions has been achieved gradually through continuous implementation and running of new study programs, starting from the academic year 2014/2015.The objective of the project was reached, the changes are being observed both form the perspectives of students as well as of lecturers and administrative staff. The impact of the project thus far include extending the offer of practice and vocation-oriented courses and modules for the students. To achieve planned results and impact the following outputs and products were delivered 1) modified (labor market oriented) study program at 1st and 2nd cycle studies; 2) on-line platform for students, graduates and employers PracaDlaFilologa.pl; 3) evaluation report of the new programs for 1st and 2nd cycle studies by Partner; 5) evaluation reports of the programs prepared by representatives of employers (6 reports); 6) Partner’s report on cooperation with economic enterprise, graduates career monitoring and support for students and graduates employability; 7) two simultaneous translation laboratories; 8) Development Strategy and Policy for Philological School of Higher Education in Wroclaw until 2025.

Summary of bilateral results

The greatest achievement of the partnership, in the short-term perspective was extending the cooperation between the institutions to new fields (interdisciplinary project, research initiatives, sharing know-how and practices as well as new international project proposals, e.g. in response to the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership call). The project created a room for an increased cooperation both with the scientific and administrative staff; it facilitated active contacts between lecturers, opening possible new prospects for research and innovation; allowed for exchange of experience, promoting openness and mobility between institutions, thus to Poland and Norway. The cooperation and knowledge gained though the project may constitute an attempt for comparison of the Polish and Norwegian higher education systems. The Partner contributed with its extensive and wide experience within the higher education sector, especially within the process of building, developing and fostering close relations with the external stakeholders of the university, including graduates, employers and society in which it operates. The partnership undertaken within the project has greatly contributed towards strengthened bilateral relations as it allowed to gain better knowledge and understanding of the partners involved. It was a crucial element in the process of building a strong, long-lasting bond between the institutions, both of professional and private character. The valuable relations developed within the mobilities to Poland and Norway have created a shared interest in continuing and developing the cooperation and influenced academic societies on both sides, what is reflected in more frequent meetings, interest in mobilities and personal relations.