The project goal is to influence the cooperation between Eklektik Session and Punkt Festival through a presentation of the artistic achievements of Polish and Norwegian artists. The project will be a platform of experience, knowledge and mutual artistic inspiration exchange. The detailed objectives include i. a. presentation of the innovative Punkt Festival in Poland, reinforcement of the partnership between the Eklektik Session and the Punkt Festival, education and presentation of the creative output of artists from Poland and Norway. The project activities will consist of presentation of two artistic musical platforms, field study workshops, seminars, concerts during two editions of the Punkt Eklektik Session festival, joint tours and promotional visit during the Punkt Festival in Kristansand. The project will be mainly held in Poland (11 cities). The project is addressed to a wide audience, comprising lovers, observers and participants of the artistic life in Lower Silesia, a group with various musical preferences and of various ages, artists affiliated with the Punkt Festival and the Eklektik Session platform/cycle, pupils and students of artistic schools, Polish and Norwegian artistic circles.The project satisfies the social needs related to the development of artistic competences amongst musicians, music producers and the general public – all people interested in and searching for interesting and significant artistic and musical events. The duly prepared programme will be an inspiration for its participants to continue work on the questions related to the roots of Polish and Norwegian music. The effects of the artistic cooperation will be recorded in the form of a multitrack audio and video registration.Donor project partner is Stiftelsen Punkt whose role is i. a. selection artists from Norway, preparation of the artistic side of the punkt Eklektik Festival. Thanks to this cooperation the artists associated with both festivals shall be integrated.
Summary of project results
The following project objectives were achieved: 1. presentation of innovative festival Punkt in Poland - Artists associated with the festival Punkt participated in the spring (6 artists) and autumn festival (8 artists) and tour including five Polish cities. During the spring edition of the festival was organized a seminar conducted by the curators of the festival Punkt, the theme of which was the presentation of objectives of the festival. 2. strengthening partnerships Eklektik Session and Punkt Festival - Artists associated with the platform Eklektik Session and Punkt Festival twice contributed Eklektik Orchestra appearing during the third day of the festival of both views. The artistic program spring and autumn edition of the festival was co-created by Artistic Directors Eklektik and Punkt. 3. presentation of artistic achievements of artists from Poland and Norway - Presentation of the artistic achievements of artists from Norway took place during the festival and tour. Presentation of the artistic achievements of Polish artists took place during a promotional visit in Norway. 4. education through meetings with artists, curators, workshops and seminars - During the project organized two seminars: spring conducted by representatives of the festival Punkt and autumn by representatives of the platform Eklektik. Also organized two workshops outgoing session, which aim was to integrate Wroclaw artistic circles and improve artistic skills. 5. working together on the project, exchange of experiences, cultural education project participants During the meetings related to the visits of artists in Poland and Norway and work on the organization of individual projects allow the exchange of experiences related to the implementation of festivals, promotion of cultural events and financing cultural activities. Implementation of the project has contributed to: • expansion of the cultural offer and diversity presented artistic events (at festivals were presented a variety of musical genres), • increase in the mobility of artists (Norwegian artists participating in festivals and concert tour in Poland, Polish artists participated in events related to the Punkt Festival) • increased active participation in culture (in all the events of the project was attended by 2,318 participants, distribution of 1,400 pieces. CD, 1400 pcs. VINYL plates and 500 pcs. of DVDs, made available audio and video for public websites),
Summary of bilateral results
The aim of the project was the collaboration with partners in order to present Festival Punkt in Poland as one of the most innovative artistic events in contemporary music, as well as cooperation between the Festival Punkt and Polish artists associated with the platform Eklektik Session. The project was addressed to a wide audience, including fans, observers and participants of the artistic life of various musical preferences. The project has met social needs related to the development of artistic competence among artists, musicians, music producers and the general public - all those interested and looking for interesting and important artistic events and music. Properly prepared by Partners artistic program was the inspiration for the participants to continue working on discovering the roots of Polish and Norwegian music and the interaction between them. Thanks to the cooperation partners integrated artists associated with both festivals. The audience had the opportunity to participate in artistic events created jointly by Wroclaw artists, as well as prominent Norwegian artists. The idea of a joint Punkt Eklektik Session project appeared during the April edition of the Eklektik Session 2013, in which Jan Bang, the creator and curator of the Punkt Festival in Kristiansand took part. Thepurpose of his visit to Wrocław was to present the 'Dream Logic' album recorded in duet with the Norwegian guitarplayer Eivind Aarset. Bot took an active part in the Eklektik Orchestra project with musicians from Poland. The undoubted artistic success of this project as well as a willingness to deepen the cooperation of artists from Poland and Norway resulted i the joint project Punkt Eklektik Session, whose main objectives are as follows: reinforcement of dialogue between artists from Poland and Norway by the promotion and integration of creative circles (in the wide sense) affiliated with the Eklektik Session session and the Punkt Festival.