FOLK? I do (not) agree!

Project facts

Project promoter:
Body/Mind Foundation
Project Number:
Target groups
Researchers or scientists
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 97,696
The project is carried out in:
Miasto Warszawa


The main aim of the project is to increase the knowledge of functioning of the art of dance and performing art in different areas and cultural conditions, as well as to strengthen multicultural dialogue between Poland and Iceland which is based on the understanding of cultural diversity and to preserve the memory of national heritage. The theme of the realized project is widely understood folklore. Its purpose is to answer a question of what role modern folklore plays in people’s social, economical and political life, as well as how it is reflected in understanding of performing art in both countries. Four artists from various art fields from Poland and five artists from Iceland will be invited to the project and they will work on their ideas during two creative residencies in Poznań and Reykjavik. The meetings will be moderated by two curators from Poland and Iceland. The results of the work will be presented in the form of a special program within the Reykjavik Dance Festival and in Warsaw in 2014.

Summary of project results

The project was a continuation of strategies and interests of the Foundation connected with activation of international cooperation. The main aim of the project was to strengthen multicultural dialogue between Poland and Iceland which is based on the understanding of cultural diversity, as well as to preserve the memory of national heritage.The project met its objectives through: inviting artists from different fields of art, diversified concept of the project, the theme of the project based on the presentation of cultural heritage of both the Beneficiary’s country and the partner’s country, interdisciplinary of the project, free access to the event connected with a broad promotional campaign, topics discussed in the project, easy going cooperation with partner. The theme of the realized project was a widely understood folklore. Its purpose was to answer a question of what role modern folklore plays in people’s social, economical and political life, as well as how it is reflected in understanding of performing art in both countries. Artists from both countries and from various art fields were invited to the project and they worked on their ideas during creative residencies in Poland and Iceland (30 artists and specialists together). The results of the work were presented in the form of a special program within the Reykjavik Dance Festival and in Warsaw’s Ciało/Umysł Festival in 2014. The project consisted of 32 various artistic forms and educational elements. Thanks to its interdisciplinary character, the project reached the wide audience. It was the first project in Poland and Iceland presenting dance and other performing arts on such a large scale (2588 viewers), which led to continue the cooperation between with newly acquainted institutions and artists after the completion of the project. The strengthening of intercultural dialogue have been achieved thus through visits and revisits in both countries which gave artists the opportunity to discover local conditions and the viewers were able to understand cultural diversity better.

Summary of bilateral results

Meeting of artists from Poland and Iceland realized assumptions of the Program concerning the reduction of social and economical differences in both countries and strengthening bilateral relations between Iceland and Poland. On the one hand, it increased mobility of artists through their residencies in both countries and artistic exchange without the pressure of creating student teacher relations. On the other hand, it broadened cultural offer in both countries through presentation of results of these creative residencies. Free admission to all events and presentations of results of artists’ work, gave broad audience the opportunity to become acquainted with a different way of thinking, culture and aesthetics in both countries. Since the project discussed the problem of folklore which has been forgotten in both countries, it stimulated unforeseen disclosures and participation of the local community.One of the most important issues during the implementation of the project were bilateral relations, that were strengthened through: - Visits: the organizers of the project from the partner’s side (in Warsaw), artists from Iceland ( in Poznan as part of residency), artist’s from Poland (in Reykjavik). Also the organizer of the project, from the Beneficiary’s side visited Iceland and got familiar with the specifics of the Partner’s country. - Exchange of cultural experience (different workshops in Warsaw presenting folklore of Iceland and in Reykjavik presenting Polish cultural heritage ) - Getting acquainted with different Icelandic and Polish cultural institutions. - Involvement as volunteers Poles living in Iceland (translators, exhibitions guides), which intensified the integration of two cultures. The Beneficiary took care of the good cooperation setting in detail every aspect of the project with Partner (both in terms of artistic choices, financial, substantive and strictly organizational matters - logistics).