BodyCONSTITUTION: Intercultural dialogue on actor training - a series of work sessions, academies and seminars with drama schools students from Poland and Norway

Project facts

Project promoter:
The Grotowski Institute
Project Number:
Target groups
Students and trainees in all forms of higher education level education and training
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 181,401
The project is carried out in:

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Traditional theatre education doesn’t value the fact that development of artistic work methods is possible mainly due to constant confrontation of studied techniques with the experience and variety of methods developed by teachers and artists who are representing other traditions and cultures. The objective of the project is to create an educational programme for students of theatre schools based on the experience of studios created at the Grotowski Institute and the practice of masters representing different traditions of bodywork. The project centers on actor physical training, its challenges, teaching and self-study, open up for new methods of the theatre work and innovative methodology of actor’s work. The project includes cycle of trainings, work sessions, seminars and academies with Polish and Norwegian students. The project will also involve a line of publications and the publication of multimedia prepared by the Reserach Team. The project’s main beneficiaries include students of drama and arts schools, young actors, theatre teachers and pedagogues, as well as young researchers and doctoral students with interest in actor training.

Summary of project results

The project was needed to create an innovative model of theatre education which would be a valuable addition to the work methods of drama schools. This model accentuates the need for continuous revision of the methods of theater education through confrontation with artists and teachers from different cultural traditions.The pilot-project addressed the need for creating a modern multifaceted model of theatre education and for a new definition and analysis of actor training; for going beyond the familiar and clichéd methods of actor work, for inquiring about teaching and self-development. The project also provided a meeting space and creates a platform for scholarly and artistic exchange of ideas and experiences between people from different traditions and cultures. The publications, including multimedia publications, that was produced as part of the project, and the recording of the training of Laboratory Theatre actors that was released on DVD, will be a valuable source of knowledge on the problems of actor training for a broad spectrum of people, including students, artists and researchers.

Summary of bilateral results

The project enabled collaboration in the area of theatre education between Polish and Norwegian drama school students and theatre theorists from Poland and Norway. The Polish-Norwegian artistic collaboration and cultural exchange was given added significance by the inclusion of the final seminarium in the programme of European Capital of Culture Wrocław 2016. Oslo National Academy of the Arts as the partner of the project was responsible for: 1. Organization, technical and realization support during events taking place in Oslo 2. Active participation in BodyCONSTITUTION events (the group of students and pedagogues from Oslo National Academy of the Arts, from the Academy of Theatre department) 3. Programme and scientific collaboration and support 4. Contact with local artists and professors in Oslo as well as with local communities taking part in the project 5. Collaboration and support in the area of promotion and information, especially according to events in Oslo; contact with local media (radio, television, newspapers). Events aimed at a broad audience in Poland and Norway helped bring the two cultures of the countries closer together – both through joint artistic efforts and through organizational collaboration.