Peace Church in Świdnica – a UNESCO listed site. Reinstating the splendour of a Lutheran enclave by renovating organs with the Baroque prospect and the historic cemetery and by reconstructing the presbytery to create comprehensive cultural, educational an

Project facts

Project promoter:
St. Trinity Lutheran Parish in Swidnica
Project Number:
Target groups
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 3,028,903
The project is carried out in:


The project aims to restore and conserve organs with the prospect of revitalising the historic area surrounding the Peace Church. The historic building of the parish house will be renovated and reconstructed to create Lower Silesia Evangelical Institute with a digitalization studio. These activities will help address economic and social imbalances. A cultural programme will be implemented with the aim of increasing the number of tourists and visitors participating in cultural events. Greater inflow of tourists will generate higher economic returns, while the variety, attractiveness and accessibility of the cultural offer will help alleviate social disparity. The project will benefit the parish community as well as visitors coming to Świdnica to participate in cultural and educational events, artists, researchers, the media, local community and tourists. The project wishes to expand the Bach Festival and start new events: organ quarters, Young Organist Festival, educational & didactic paths, an outdoor game called Peace Quest, a map of “Peace Church and Peace Square Treasures”. The Municipality of Levanger (Norway) and the Vest-Agder County Council (Norway) cooperate in this project.

Summary of project results

The implementation of the project was focused on the Peace Square and regarded the Church of Peace with the surrounding complex of buildings and the cemetery, i.e. one of the most outstanding monuments of mankind's heritage inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The main problem concerning the direct beneficiary was the present preservation status of the Church of Peace and the remaining elements forming the development of the Peace Square and the cemetery - i.e. the buildings covered by the project which needed immediate saving and protecting treatment. The other issue was the lack of appropriate conditions to store and exhibit the unique historic book collection. For indirect beneficiaries, the main problem was restricted access to the Church of Peace with its material and cultural legacy as the good of culture, which adversely affects cultural and tourist offer. That project was the next stage of revaluating the Church of Peace complex including: - restoration of the historic cemetery, - renovation and reconstruction of the historic presbytery to dedicate it to the Lower Silesian Evangelical Institute, - conservation and restoration of the large organs (its works and the prospect) - renovation of the wooden belfry, - renovation of the Church of Peace. Moreover, project involved the purchase of fixtures and fittings: digitisation equipment for the set-up of a laboratory to digitise the archive and library resources, construction of bookstands for the historic book collection, and bookstands, fixtures and fittings of the library room corresponding to the historic character of the building. Also, the purchase of the equipment for the Lower Silesian Evangelical Institute, the carillon for the belfry, 3 devices for playing music and other minor equipment. The investments has resulted in a rich cultural programme, which in turn has enhanced tourist traffic, and increased the income of businesses involved in tourist service. Owing to this, the cultural offer of Swidnica and its regions has improved.

Summary of bilateral results

Two Norwegian partners have been involved in the project, that is: Vest-Agder fylkeskommune and the Municipality of Levanger. Vest-Agder County Council - subject of cooperation: exchange of experience in storing, exhibiting and managing historic library collections.Partner helped to estimate the preservation status of selected historical objects and suggest what future actions should be undertaken. Partner also delivered seminars and presentations and discuss different methods of preserving cultural heritage in different economic, social, and cultural conditions. Municipality of Levanger - subject of cooperation: exchange of experience and gaining new knowledge on the conservation and management of historic wooden buildings. Cooperation with Municipality of Levanger concerned a series of seminar and workshop meetings which were held on the subject of conservation of wooden buildings. New knowledge and experience allowed both the Beneficiary and the Partner to preserve their respective wooden heritage more effectively. Joint activities: - Opening Conference in Świdnica (November 2014) - Seminars in Świdnica with partner from Vest-Agder (February 2015, February 2016, November 2016) - Seminar in Kristiansand (March 2017) - Study visit in Kristiansand (April 2015) - Study visit in Poland for partner from Levanger (Oktober 2015) - Study visit in Levanger (November 2015) - Conference in Kristiansand (November 2015) “Historical collections in modern institutions". Participants from Poland, Norway and England took part in this event. Moreover, a map "Treasures of Peace Square" was prepared and distributed to children and youth visiting the Church of Peace, and family game prepared for younger audiences who, together with their parents, can discover the secrets of the Church of Peace in Świdnica. Partners actively participated in organising activities. They participated in planning the meeting program. During the visit, partners shared their's experience and problems in the field of presenting monuments in a modern and accessible style, presented their solutions and methods worth recommending. They also had the opportunity to see and learn the solutions used in Poland. The bilateral cooperation in the project was possible thanks to the bilateral cooperation funds. Partners met during the meeting organized by the Programme Operator in Warsaw.