The project answers to problems caused by prematurity and perinatal asphyxia, a high death rate of newborns, a lack of special knowledge, old and overused equipment, and the fact that there is only one ambulance for newborns in the region, which is also unreliable. The objectives of the projects are a low death rate of newborns, to improve children's health and perinatal care-prevention, as well as diagnostics and treatment to increase the number of live birds. The project outcomes are training sessions for medical Staff, programmes preventing illnesses related to lifestyle and reducing children's morbidity, educational and promotional events, and new ambulance. The project outputs are new equipment, modernisation, improvement of quality and accessibility of neonatanal care in ambulances, and trainings of medical Staff in Pomerania
Summary of project results
Within the framework of the project there were some investments made and there were variety of trainings held, which aimed at improving perinatal care in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Within the framework of the project 400 patients took advantage of improved health services . One infrastructure project (repair-modernization of the Neonatologic Ward) was implemented. An ambulance N for newborns transport was purchased. The non investment part of the project included trainings, workshops, conferences, prophylactic studies and medical advice, neuro-speech therapist consultation. During the trainings the employees improved their skills e.g. how to use non-invasive respiratory support for newborn infants, HFNC newborns and nitric oxide in neonatology. There were 15 trainings for medical personnel conducted, some of them took place in the medical centres of I and II referency degree. They covered the infant care of patients in their first days of life. A total of 449 doctors and nurses were trained.During the trainings the medical staff improved their skills e. g. in the use of hypothermia for the newborn treatment, dealing with the mothers’ milk and switching from feeding pumping food to breastfeeding. Also there were activities carried out for 303 parents of perinatal risk children and of premature infants with low birth weight.There were psychological workshops for pregnant women at risk of premature birth carried out. There were trainings provided for parents dealing with prematurely newborn babies, their resuscitation, their feeding. In addition, a total of 303 mothers, their families and carers as well as pregnant women threatened with premature birth, received psychological support. As a result of the implementation of the project 10 patients benefited from the innovative prevention-treatment of hypothermia. There were performed 1200 ultrasonography of the head with the study of the brain flow and 1300 echocardiographic studies among children born prematurely. 902 nursing advice were provided and 240 new expert medical advice from a rehabilitant and from a neuro-speech therapist. The project’s funds enabled the purchase of some modern equipment i.e. 5 incubators, cardiac monitors and pulse oximeters, and other medical equipment needed at neonatologic ward. An important element was the purchase of the equipment for therapeutic hypothermia of newborn with perinatal hypoxia and also the modernisation of the neonatology ward.
Summary of bilateral results