Due to significant increasing of elderly people ratio in the population, an urgent need to adjust the caresystem occurred. Chalenges regard the field of diagnosis as well as dissemination of knowledge on geriatrics. Therefore the aim of the project is to provide the outcomes as follows: No. of patients covered by project activities-810(elderly people); Training sessions for medical staff - 2; days of promotional events-12, telecare programs-1, programs to reduce lifestyle diseases-1. Project will be directed to patients 60 +, their families and care providers as well as people interested in geriatric rehabilitation. Both groups, patients and specialists, will benefit from this project. Patients will gain comprehensive care and specialists will be able to work on different with the best equipment.
Summary of project results
The PL07 project number 324/07/13 called “The implementation of the Project on the Diagnosis, and Geriatric Prevention using elements of telecare to better align the health care system to the needs of the rapidly growing population of people over 60 years old” was implemented by Nowa Rehabilitacja Sp. z o.o. from August 2015 till April 2017. Total eligible project cost amounted to 5 813 953PLN MF NFM grant amounted to 4 651 162PLN The objective of the project was the improvement of the healthcare for elderly, dependant and chronically ill people from the whole Poland. The educational part of the project was also a very important issue. The project was implemented successfully – all project results and indicators are achieved, some are even exceeded. Main target groups: a) the elderly and their family members b) dependent and chronically ill people c) medical staff of long-term care centres and social welfare homes Activities implemented within the project: 1) Diagnostic-therapeutic cycles for elderly patients in 2 health programmes. The basic range of the Project included cycles for 810, while the extended range included cycles for 242 more patients. In the basic range the cycles were provided for wide population of 60+ patients, while the extended range was only for 60+ patients with chronic pain syndrome due to musculoskeletal disorders. The cycles included diagnostic, rehabilitation, prophylactic and telecare procedures. After qualification each patient was offered several free medical consultations and examinations. 2) Educational programme and health promotion including: elderly patients, family members and care providers of people; especially educational events “Open days”. 3) Training for internal medical personnel (1 session). 4) Training for external medical personnel (2 sessions). 5) Purchase of diagnostic and therapeutic medical equipment. 6) Development of domestic long-term tele care centre for elderly, dependent and chronically ill people). Main products of the project: Medical equipment purchased: 150 Medical staff trained: 347 Participants of diagnostic-therapeutic cycles: 1052 Diagnostic visits and rehabilitation treatments: 45602 The project was implemented independently, without partnership and the support of the Fund for Bilateral Relations.
Summary of bilateral results