Project facts

Project promoter:
Czech Union for Nature Conservation (ÚVR ČSOP)
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff,
Non governmental organisation
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 330,967
The project is carried out in:


Wetland and (sub)xerothermic habitats currently represent only fragments of the full range of these natural habitats in our country. These habitats are among the most remarkable as regards its species, but these are also the most vulnerable communities of Central Europe. The objective is to help stop the fragmentation of wetland and (sub)xerothermic habitats. For this purpose the project will ensure the implementation of practical measures in nearly 70 selected sites to retain/restore their biological value, and indirectly acquire further detailed information on these habitats. The aim is to establish optimal long-term management of sites. The project will help deepen the cooperation between NGOs and the government in the maintenance of valuable natural areas. Series of new data on valuable natural areas will be available for public administration. The project further develops cooperation between the beneficiary country (and its Czech partners) and the Norwegian NGO, Naturvernforbundet i Buskerud, which is a part of Norway's organization for the protection of the environment and nature, Naturvernforbundet. Its role will be especially to exchange expertise and practical experience.

Summary of project results

Thanks to the implementation of the project, care was provided for selected European sites of importance, especially protected areas as well as unprotected natural sites in the care of land associations. Restoration of dry turf habitats and wetland habitats has taken place. The heterogeneity (diversity) of habitats and ecosystems at localities was promoted. It has been encouraged to increase the number of species (biodiversity) by saving ecosystems and by creating suitable conditions for their further existence. The populations of geographically non-native and invasive species of plants and animals were destroyed. Not only thanks to realized excursions, the general public was motivated to visit the sites to change the perception of the importance of these habitats. There has been a continuous exchange of practical information and experience with the care of wetland and xerothermic (subterritorial) sites among all stakeholders. There has also been a strengthening of the role of non-governmental non-profit organizations in nature conservation. In the project, further development of the cooperation between the final receiver (or, in general, the land associations in the Czech Republic) and Norwegian Naturvernforbundet and Buskerud (NiB) had been also planned and achieved.

Summary of bilateral results

Cooperation with a partner was established in November 2014. Two joint projects had been implemented within the cooperation. The cooperation took place in the form of mutual visits (study tours, consultation visits by Norwegian experts), also via internet communication. Collaboration was inherently seamless, slight differences could be noticed in accounting (different accounting practices and linguistic barriers to specific accounting concepts). The final beneficiary hopes that cooperation will continue. As a result of the cooperation, the study of representatives of land associations in Norway, consultation of conservation plans with Norwegian experts, acquaintance of Norwegian colleagues with the principles of functioning of land associations in the Czech Republic, and the presentation of guests from Norway at a conference on the protection of wetlands and steppes took place.