The proposed project approaches the issue of landscape fragmentation in a complex manner and on several levels. It addresses the issue in terms of the requirements of various groups of terrestrial animals, from concepts/general approaches and prognoses through various methodical procedures, monitoring and education, to proposals of particular solutions at the local level and their implementation. So the project aims to contribute comprehensively to the landscape protection against fragmentation throughout the Czech Republic at various levels in the form of sectional and major outputs to be processed within the scope of the topics of the project. The educational part of the project aims to contribute to the protection of connectivity of our landscape by drawing attention of the general public to this issue and by improving decision-making processes through presenting and making the resulting methodical materials available for experts and for the state administration. The target groups of the project are civil servants, the general public and researchers.
Summary of project results
The aim of the project was the landscape fragmentation and project’s contribution to the issue throughout the Czech Republic. The planned project target was fulfilled – all conceptual materials were drawn up. These materials should lead, by introducing a new legislative procedure in area planning (providing a mapped layer of the biotope of selected specially protected species of large mammals as a binding basis in land-use planning documentation), to reduction of the negative effects of fragmentation of the landscape on fauna, especially large mammals. Another valuable project output is the assessment of the influence of power lines on mortality and migration of birds, carried out on the basis of extensive monitoring. These results will be used by the Project Promoter in other meetings with energy companies to ensure the safety for birds in provided safety of different types of structures on power lines. Within other project activities, 10 feasibility studies for collision sections of amphibian on communications were created. These studies contain concrete proposals for a permanent solution of the problem at each site and are intended for local self-government and road administration as a basis for project documentation and implementation of the proposed measures. Similarly, a monitoring study on a critical spots for Natrix tessellata is also useful. Other outputs from the project (various databases, methodical materials, habitat models) can serve both decision-makers and other professionals primarily in spatial planning, as well as to the wider public or students. Where relevant, these outputs will continue to be updated. Positive effect of the project is visible also within the publicity; several seminars and educational materials were provided to public.
Summary of bilateral results