Enhancement of the Identification, the Protect and Support of the Victims of Human Trafficking

Project facts

Project promoter:
Cyprus Stop Trafficking
Project Number:
Target groups
Victims of trafficking
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 82,677
The project is carried out in:


The objective of the project is to diminish the number of victims of sexual and work exploitation in Cyprus and improve their living conditions and to help them. Those who remain in Cyprus for some time to appear in court as police witnesses and will be repatriated and those who, for various reasons, cannot return to their countries and stay in Cyprus with the status of refugees. Moreover the project aims to help the victims become independent, be able to face the future in a positive way and to believe that the poverty and misery which led them to be trapped by their traffickers is a thing of the past. Experience has taught us that each victim is a special case and the appropriate solution should be found for each individual case. The project will address these challenges mainly with the creation of the Workshop which will provide work therapy through group activities, English lessons, Greek lessons, computer lessons, cooking lessons etc., but also through individual activities according to the needs and interests of each victim.

Summary of project results

Four apartments have been rented where victims are hosted An office has been rented since the 17/4/14 A workshop was rented on1/5/14, furnished ,organized and is operating since May 2014 The two books on Human Trafficking were printed. Four different leaflets on Human Trafficking were printed ,1300 copies each. They were and still are being Distributed to young persons and adults. Thirty four articles were written and published in the local press by our members. The prevention and combating of Human Trafficking and the sexual exploitation of women by weekly advertising in the local press was promoted The promoter visited several schools and 16 army camps to increase awareness on HT amongst the youth of Cyprus. The office facilities were upgraded for proper administrative functioning both with IT infrastructure as well as with administrative support. A workshop supervisor occupied the tenants and organised group activities and crafts by which they could socialise The website was redesigned and is being updated in 3 languages The promoter participated in a number of government committees giving their views and valuable information on the issue in Cyprus CST chairwoman and officers speak weekly on local radio stations on HT. A conference on HT and its prevention,effects and combating was organised with great success. More than one hundred people attended to here the 8 distinguished speakers. The conference lasted 10 hours.

Summary of bilateral results