In the present environment of globalization, increased competition and economic crises, the idea of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) becomes increasingly important. The project will enhance NGOs’ socially responsible behavior, in order to help such organisations to become aware of implementing and addressing the principles of CSR and the related ISO 26000 standard. The main objective of the project is to embed the principles of CSR in the day-to-day activities of NGOs. A CSR Model framework for NGOs will be developed as part of the project. The project will contribute to the strengthening of NGO capacity. The outcome of the project will be to strength the capacity of governance and transparency not only of the project promoter, the Women association of Rural Larnaka, but of NGOs in Cyprus in general.
Summary of project results
The project has help specifically WARL and as well the NGO’s that exist in Cyprus to follow in their day to day business the principles of CSR in order to be sustainable and therefore successful in the long run. It is an innovation to the Cyprus market that NGO’s will adopt CSR as a management strategy to anticipate and to adapt societal changes and challenges. Also, the impact that the project has on end users (NGO’s) and target groups (all stakeholders of NGO’s – companies, Local Self Government, public etc.) by adopting CSR principles and ISO 26000 guidance in their day to day business was the following: the implementation of the project has help WARL and NGO’s to strengthen their governance, to deal with gender equality issues, to respect minorities and immigrants and as well children; ISO 26000 and CSR in general address these issues in depth. Moreover, looking the geographical coverage of our project and its potential impact we can say the following: Although, WARL is operating in the district of Larnaca, the end users and target groups can be from all over Cyprus, because of the easy transferability of project results. In addition, the participation of WARL, will secure a potential impact of the project in rural areas due to the fact that members of WARL are from the mountainous Larnaca District. Finally, the communication plan that has been produced from an external expert in WP2, help partners to enhance the project’s impact on end users and target groups. Specifically, the press conference, the information seminar, the Final Conference and all the deliverables of WP2 were very targeted oriented to end users and target groups in order to convince them that by applying the results of the project in their day to day business will maintain/gain their sustainability in the long run.
Summary of bilateral results