Capacity-building and human rights training

Project facts

Project promoter:
National Institute of Justice
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 771,737
The project is carried out in:


Bulgaria’s human rights track record has been consistently improving but nevertheless certain deficiencies in the legal protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms remain. It is therefore necessary to further enhance the Bulgarian magistrates’ competence on the application of the principles and human rights’ standards guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. This is the objective of the project that will be pursued through a series of trainings for magistrates and legal professionals on various aspects of the application of the Convention and by establishing a sustainable information exchange network on human rights protection. The project’s results will be ensured through partnership with the Council of Europe, study visits to the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights and the Norwegian Court Administration, establishing an annual justice and human rights forum as a sustainable platform for sharing information between stakeholders, publishing summaries of ECtHR judgments in Bulgarian, an updated Manual on Judicial Protection of Human Rights as well as а Dictionary of Humanitarian Law

Summary of project results

The project is based on the need to increase the capacity of judicial system to solve systematic issues in jurisprudence of ECtHR and on the need for exchange of information on protection of human rights. The main objective of the project is to acquire new knowledge in the area of human rights, the application of ECHR at national legislation and challenges before magistrates in that area. Overall training campaign was made in different forms and methods - training at centralised and regional level, online distance learning, thematic forums and meetings. During the project period 31 trainings regarding the human rights and the application of the Convention – 4 training of trainers, 15 regional trainings, 10 centralized trainings, 1 pilot training on humanitarian law and 1 e-learning course regarding the family law and human rights were organized. Those trainings were attended by 938 participants. 2 annual Forums with 258 participants on justice and human rights were organized, followed by workshops where were presented different aspects of the human rights (civil, criminal and administrative). Those kinds of events were organized for the very first time in Bulgaria. During the project implementation Agreement with PdP 3 for establishment of e-Portal of human rights was signed. NIJ uploaded 434 documents (310 translated judgements of ECtHR against other states, 67 training presentations, 52 articles, comments and analysis and 5 e-books). The continuing upload of information is guaranteed. It is the first electronic database with information and documents on protection of human rights in Bulgarian. In result of project 4 training handbooks on protection of human rights were published in 8000 copies also. Specialized library software that will guarantee the stable base to consolidate information in the area of protection of human rights in library activities was installed. During the project period the issues regarding the specific needs of disadvantaged persons and minorities were discussed in Forum for justice and human rights, as well as in trainings on guaranties against discrimination and protection of those groups of persons.

Summary of bilateral results

In cooperation with CoE 4 study visits were organized at the ECtHR and Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France. 38 magistrates and experts from NIJ participated in those visits. Study visit in Norway judicial administration in Trondheim – local partner in projects financed by NFM was conducted. Exchange of good practices related to Norway judicial system, the system of legal aid in Norway and the system of the jury was achieved. To the Bulgarian magistrates and experts a new internet system of the Norway judicial administration - indictments and judgments, case-law was presented. During the visit there was also a visit in the Supreme Court of Norway and Norway Helsinki committee in Oslo. In the framework of Bilateral Fund there was a project on e-learning course on antidiscrimination on Programme Human Rights Education for legal Professionals (HELP) in Council of Europe. The project strengthens the partnership with that Program of Council of Europe and that could be a stable basis for future common activities. The new e-learning course enriched the training programs in NIJ and could be a permanent course in the Calendar of the Institute. Another initatitive under BF was participation in Fundamental Rights Forum, organized by the European Union Agency for fundamental rights (FRA) in Vienna, 20-23 June 2016. The Initaitive corresponds to the need to present the project achievements before partners and other interested parties in EU. Sharing of ideas and establishment of new partnerships during this event created good opportunity to build a stable base for future training and information activities at NIJ in the context of protection of human rights. Bilateral Initiative - study visit to ECtHR of 9 Bulgarian magistrates (5 judges and 4 prosecutors) and 2 experts from contributed to increase of capacity of the representatives of the target group in the area of the protection of human rights, increase the co-operation between NIJ and Council of Europe, and create relations between participants and experts on European level and identification of new recent issues and topics for future trainings at NIJ.