The general objectives of the project are to conduct an awareness campaign on domestic violence and violence based on gender among the Roma population in Plovdiv, and to promote zero tolerance among the Roma community of Plovdiv to acts of domestic violence and violence based on gender. More specifically, the project will create two information centers in the city of Kuklen and the village of Rozino to disseminate information on all aspects of the problem through appropriate methods and tools. The project will also conduct an information campaign among students above the age of 14 in schools in the region of Plovdiv with a concentration of Roma, to increase their awareness and knowledge to identify and combat domestic violence and violence based on gender. The project will encourage open debate in society by conducting three one-day and one three-days conferences in Plovdiv, in which to present and discuss the main aspects of problematic psychological, legal, social, economic issues specific to the Roma community. To raise awareness among the victims of domestic violence (DV) and gender-based violence (GBV) among Roma women and the Roma community as a whole, the project will create and distribute 10 short films that deal with the main types of violence based on gender specific for Roma community. The project will also encourage victims, the vulnerable Roma community and society as a whole to recognize the problem, to report cases of violence to seek and receive protection and support. The information campaign will reach a minimum of 2000 victims of domestic violence and violence based on gender in the Roma community. It is expected that at least 2000 women from the community will obtain information through the broadcast of the 10 short movies. The information campaign in schools in Plovdiv with a concentration of Roma students will reach a minimum of 1000 students above the age of 14, at least half of which are girls.
Summary of project results
One of the milestones to prevent the domestic violence is to raise the public sensibility and awareness on this. Implementation of the project aimed to promote zero tolerance among the Roma community of Plovdiv to acts of domestic violence and violence based on gender. All activities were chosen so as to raise awareness and assist victims and vulnerable Roma community and society as a whole to recognize the problem, to report cases of violence to seek and receive protection and support. The main project's results are as follows. An information campaign among students over 14 years in schools in the region of Plovdiv with concentration of Roma population was implemented. Over 1000 students became information about the topic gender based violence, how to deal in case of violence and to reach help and support. Two information centres in the region of Plovdiv (Kuklen and Rosino) were established in order to disseminate information concerning all aspects of domestic violence and to provide help for Roma women. Ten short films that deal with the main types of gender based violence in the Roma community created and broadcasted in the regional TV. This has a direct impact on at least 2000 members of the target groups; Members of Roma communities predominantly benefitted from the given services and the organized campaigns within the project.It can be concluded that activities under the project have reached the target group and are expected to have positive effect on the attitude towards and understanding of the DV and GBV problem among Roma.
Summary of bilateral results