The general objective of the project is to contribute to prevention of domestic and gender based violence and to improve the situation of victims of domestic and gender based violence in Bulgaria with specific focus on Roma women and girls. The specific objective is to develop knowledge and expertise regarding the situation of domestic and gender based violence to ensure that all stakeholders including the Bulgarian government can access strong independent analysis in order to facilitate better informed and evidence-based policy decisions. The partner organisations plan to conduct multiple surveys and studies using a variety of quantitative and qualitative methods, in order to get access to the experiences and opinions of target groups and main stakeholders. The project is focused on three main target groups: Child and adults victims among general population; Child and adults victims among Roma communities; Child and adults victims placed in crisis centers. The project promoter will be responsible for the overall administrative and financial management of the project implementation quality assurance, ensuring timely reporting and realizing all activities according the plan, and successful cooperation with project partners - the Center for the Study of Democracy Association and Human Rights Academy, Norway.
Summary of project results
The project activities studied and analysed factors, which potentially limit access of Roma women and girls to support mechanisms. Special attention was given to Roma-specific support needs. The project activities studied and analysed sensitive issues connected to victims of violence placed in crisis centres, namely the limited and relatively short term of placement in the crisis centres and the difficulties in finding long-term solutions for the future to achieve economic and housing independence. All published documents:"Legal, Institutional and Policy Analysis", Analytical Report of the National Study of DGBV in Bulgaria and the Victims Support Model reached key stakeholders, groups of experts. They are going to improve the victims’ situation and to build the capacity of professionals who are the first point of contact with victims of violence.Published articles provide information and improve the public awareness and sensibility about the DGBV problem in Bulgaria. The indicator number of research studies (one study) carried out has been fully achieved. An Analytical Paper “Legal, Institutional and Policy Analysis”, Analytical Report “National Study of Domestic and Gender-Based Violence in Bulgaria” and Victims Support Model have been completed. The researches were prepared through review of Bulgarian academic literature, review of international academic literature and review of existing statistical and survey data. Also the quantitative and qualitative researches have been carried out.
Summary of bilateral results
Exchange of best practices from Norway in working with victims of domestic and gender based violence through providing workshops and events with Bulgarian stakeholders working in the field of DGBV. After the implementation of the activities related to data analysis and preparing the Analytical Report from the National Study of DGBV in Bulgaria and elaboration of Victims Support Model, conclusions and recommendations were summarised and developed into a document which is addressed both to concerned stakeholders and the general public. The document -Policy Brief is published in Bulgarian and in English, and was disseminated with Bulgarian state institutions and civil society structures and with the Norwegian partners. The documents are available online in English and Bulgarian. During the project implementation period, communication and collaboration with the Norwegian partner have been very effective and professional. The team of Human Rights Academy supported implementation of all project activities and participated activelyin the partners meetings. HRA had a main role in conducting the 3–day seminar in Sofia with focus on gender-based violence through a human rights perspective and contributed to the project implementation in areas of information and dissemination activities.