The project will be implemented by the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice in partnership with the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and the Ministry of Interior. The Council of Europe will co-operate closely with all partners. The project's main goal is the creation of a robust legal framework that will ensure the protection of the rights of victims of gender-based violence (GBV) and domestic violence (DV). It envisages supporting the institutions providing social help and police protection in strengthening their administrative capacity and tools in handling cases of GBV and DV. Special attention within the project trainings will be paid to the Roma population within the following topics: “Prevention of the early marriages among the Roma” and “Specifics and prejudices in the communication with Roma”. The project will result in an assessment of the current Bulgarian legal framework, an assessment of European best practices, the development of a national strategy for reduction of GBV and DV, the drafting of legislative proposals, development of training programs and materials to improve the professional skills of legal experts, social workers and police officers.
Summary of project results
There was insufficient awareness of competent institutions about their specific role and powers and institutions in charge were not aware of who is responsible for which actions at which stage of work on the cases of GBV. This greatly impeded coordination and delays intervention, which is unacceptable especially in high-risk cases. The project aimed to contribute to the overall improvement in dealing with GBV and DV in Bulgaria including better regulation, strengthened institutional capacity, better services and social support provided to the victims. This should lead to provision of better protection of the victims of gender-based violence and decreased claims to the European Court of Human Rights. As a result of the trainings held 509 professionals improved their knowledge on how to work in cases of DV. Two manuals were specifically developed for the purposes of the trainings. An analysis on the current Bulgarian legislation was made in the light of the CoE standards. A National Strategy on reducing DV and GBV was also elaborated. Both documents represent the basis which a pool of experts who are hired on civil contracts shall use for the development of the draft document proposing the amendments to the national legal framework in the field.
Summary of bilateral results
The project partner, the Council of Europe, provided an assessment of the existing legal framework relevant for preventing and combating gender-based violence. The assessment also provided an analysis of the gaps in existing laws and provide recommendations for changes. With the aim of enhancing the capacity of the social workers to provide assistance and advice to victims of gender-based violence, the Council of Europe was involved in preparing a handbook for social workers in close co-operation with the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. Thirdly, the Council of Europe co-operated with the Ministry of Interior in the preparation of training materials for the police and carried out a training of trainers.