Project Phase 2: The Bulgaria Ports Infrastructure Company is the manager of port infrastrucure and other long-term assets of public transport ports of national importance. A new monitoring and information system will be established in Bulgaria based on the successful "Barents Watch" model of Norway, in order to make the different scientific sectors cooperate and exchange information. The project will establish a Spatial Data Center by gathering, summarizing and providing specialized data for the Black Sea, its coatal regions and connecting rivers. There are four main sources for data: the Sentinel Satellite, In situ sensors, Scientific organizations themseleves and the Vessel Traffic Management System of Bulgaria Ports Infrastructure Company. The aim is to facilitate the integration and combination of this new information with existing information sources in Bulgaria. Until now such information system has not existed in Bulgaria.The target groups are public and private entities, scientific organizations, universities and NGO's.
Summary of project results
The aim of the project Monitoring and Information System for Black Sea (MISBS) was to build a platform including data for the condition of the specific parameters of the environment, marine spaces and coastal areas that have environmental impact related to the preservation and sustainable development of Black Sea, tools for analysis and data presentation in suitable users’ interface. The project was following the successful Barents Watch model of Norway and one of the objectives was to keep the system in strict accordance with international, open standards for data exchange and formatting. The established MISBS allows real-time collecting of data from multiple resources including the European programme Copernicus. MISBS integrates and processes data from sensors to automatically measure the parameters of sea water and atmospheric air. The system integrates and processes data from sensors to automatically measure the parameters of sea water and atmospheric air. The system allows: - Data are archived for future reference. - Easy adding of new systems and users. - Easy upgrade and future development. - Providing information necessary for improving marine environment and coastal areas preservation. - Supporting the early warning systems for environmental hazards with data available in the system. - Facilitate the collection of shipping information. - Improving of shipping activities in the context of the cleanliness of marine areas. - Creating better conditions for an effective maritime business and tourism. - For scientific, research and educational purposes. - Processing and providing ready-made information on the topics. - Making inquiries over collected data and visualize in graphical form the analyzed data. - Providing information for the Bulgarian ports. - Potential for bilingual work regime in Bulgarian and English language. Through the Black Sea monitoring and information system, a heterogeneous data on the Black sea related to ecology, spills, illegal dumping of waste, fish passages, safety and many others will be kept. The system provides powerful functionality for integration, processing, analysis and visualization of information and potential to support multiple specialized web GIS applications.
Summary of bilateral results
The contribution from the Norwegian partner, with its knowledge and experience, was crucial for the achievements of the project’s results. The Norwegian partner has taken an active role in the project design and preparation. The experts from the Norwegian Coastal Administration have participated in the preparation of the tender documentation and evaluation of the technical proposals for hardware and software.