Short-term teaching and research activity, entitled “Multi-criteria optimisation of movement of a catcher with parallel structure from a medical robot used for surgical interventions"

Project facts

Project promoter:
Technical University of Sofia
Project Number:
Target groups
Researchers or scientists
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 2,125
The project is carried out in:

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The project is in the field of Engineering with application in Medicine. The applicant intends to implement short-term visits for delivering lectures and research activity in the field of Engineering, in particular aimed to multi-criteria optimisation of movement of a catcher with parallel structure from a medical robot used for surgical interventions. The applicant will deliver a series of lectures and presentations targeting students enrolled in the "Computer-aided Engineering" course at the University of Stavanger (Norway). The lectures will showcase the activities of the Technical University of Sofia and its programmes and ongoing research projects related to Erasmus+, EU Operarational programmes, and international conferences. The donor project partner, the University of Stavanger will provide support for the lecture series and contribute to a draft joint research paper. The donor project partner will also provide the facilities, equipment and resource access needed for the research concerned.

Summary of project results

The project aimed to implement a short-term visit for delivering lectures and research activity in the field of Medicine, specifically on the topic of multi-criteria optimisation of movement of a catcher with parallel structure from a medical robot used for surgical interventions. The applicant delivered a series of lectures to students enrolled in the "Computer-aided Engineering" course at the University of Stavanger. Additionally, the applicant carried out a number of sample tasks using COMSOL Multiphysics under guidance from the academic head and met with the host academic professor to discuss the intended joint research activity. The project resulted in the development of simulation models for specific surgical interventions. Following the visit the Bulgarian team presented the project achievements and progress made on the research topic to university professors and doctoral students. As part of the project the applicant gave two presentations before an academic audience of the University of Stavanger in order to provide information on the Bulgarian system for HE, the Technical University of Sofia and the academic programmes available to students.

Summary of bilateral results

The project enabled the two institutions to benefit from an exchange of knowledge and skills, improving the overall expertise in the research community.Through the cooperation with the donor project partner, the applicant was introduced to COMSOL Multiphysics and a draft joint research paper is underway. Additionally, the cooperation resulted in the drafting of three joint research papers; "Stress and Displacement Analysis of a HAWT under Time-variable Wind";"Simulation analysis of an on-going wind flow around VAWT"; and "Multi-criteria optimisation of movement of a catcher with parallel structure from a medical robot used for surgical interventions". The University of Stavanger also guided the applicant on the criteria and procedures applied for the defense of PhD thesis.