The project is in the field of Medicine. The applicant intends to meet prof. Aage Haugen from the Section for Toxicology and Biological Work Environment at the National Institutte for Occupational Health and his research group and to get familiar with the laboratory methods used in their research lab in the field of chronic obstructive lung diseases. Preparation of a joint research programme is also foreseen. joint lab experiments leading to new findings and their publishing. by getting to know the currently ongoing research projects of the doctoral students of Prof. Haugen and the research group mentioned and their findings, discussing of ways and steps needed for getting more precise results; discussing the common problems in approaching the chronic obstructive lung disease; planning tasks to be assigned to a the doctoral student - Tanya Tacheva at the Medical Faculty of the Thracian University of Stara Zagora, and their period for implementation. delivered presentations of the research activities of doctoral students studying aspects of the problem mentioned, presented the methods employed during the research experiments in the labs.
Summary of project results
get familiar with the laboratory methods used in their research lab in the field of chronic obstructive lung diseases; joint lab experiments have been carried out by the beneficiary and donor project research groups. new methods have employed for research purposes in relation to studying chronic obstructive lung disease. joint research projects have been discussed and planned for implementation. a strategy for a joint research project has been put in place and a short-term programme for a study visit intended for the doctoral student Dr. Tanya Tacheva have been drawn up. one seminar related to the topic of the project has been attended; one lecture has been delivered by the beneficiary, entitled: "My country, my town, my university and our work in a blink of eye!".
Summary of bilateral results
discussions have been held for establishing a research network on institutional level, comprising STEMI -Oslo, Norway, and Thracian University of Stara Zagora, Faculty of Medicine, with the aim to carry out research on the genetic predisposition to chronic obstructive lung disease and the subsequent epigenetic modifications occurring in the process of development and progression of the disease. Yes, definitely.