Tales of The forthress and Melpomene

Project facts

Project promoter:
Municipal dramatic theatre 'Apostle Karamitev'
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 34,528
The project is carried out in:
Хасково / Haskovo

More information


The project “Tales of the Fortress and Melpomene” comprises activities that present and promote the two main carriers of culture in the Municipality of Dimitrovgrad – the Municipal Dramatic Theatre “Apostle Karamitev” and the monumental panels painted by Panev brothers in the village of Krepost. The project aim is the presentation and promotion of this culture at local, national and international level, as well as cultural integration of children with disabilities and children of Roma origin. The project fully corresponds to the programme objective of reaching out to a broader audience of contemporary art, as well as to the EEA Grants objective of decreasing social and economic disparities by ensuring access to contemporary art and culture and fostering cultural diversity and social integration. Through innovative methodology and techniques based on special events – seven theatrical productions and creating and producing a movie about the Panev brothers and their panels in the village of Krepost, contemporary culture in Dimitrovgrad municipality will be promoted and perceived as more attractive. The theatrical productions will provide an introduction to theatrical art for children of the Roma minority as well as disabled children, so that they can acquire new cultural knowledge and social skills to be able to facilitate their social integration and inclusion and become keen fans of contemporary theatre. In addition, a part of two activities – “Trips in the fantastic world of scenography and costumography” will be the painting of pictures by 60 Roma children and 10 children with disabilities under the guidance of specialists. Some of these pictures will be selected for exhibition in Norway by the partner, Bjorn Langset. The movie will promote unique panels from the village of Krepost, painted by the prominent artists, the Panev brothers. This will raise public awareness on one of the largest exhibitions of contemporary art in open in Bulgaria.

Summary of project results

One of the main problems in the municipality of Dimitrovgrad in connected with the process of cultural integration of Roma citizens, in particular children and young people of Roma origin. They usually don’t visit theatre “Apostol Karamitev” which is the opportunity to learn about contemporary art and culture live. The main problems of children with disabilities and Roma children are related to obstacles to successful social inclusion and changing attitudes in society towards them. Still it is misconceptions, regret, indifference and negativity. Therefore require the implementation of long term compaignes to overcome these subjective barriers and stereotypes change in the way that is presented and perceived disability and disabled people themselves. “Journey through the temple of Melpomena” will make them acquainted with contemporary art, to experience the magic, to become part of it and to bring them faith and confidence to move their human and creative development. The main impact of the project was cultural integration of the target groups to “Temple of Melpomena” respectively modern art. Another impact of the project was promoting monumental works in the village Krepost changing the perception of local communities and stimulating further local initiatives in turn promote them. A film was promoted throughout Bulgaria and abroad /Norway/ inciting the interest of contemporary art fans to visit the village Krepost. The achieved results during the project were: 7 specialized journeys for the promotion of contemporary art to children with disabilities and Roma children; introduction of children with disabilities and Roma children to contemporary theater; organized exhibition in Oslo for pictures of children and young people from Roma minorities; producing short film about Krepost village and Penev brothers. In total 72 target group children took part of “Journey through the temple of Melpomena”.

Summary of bilateral results

Mr. Langets, as a composer, created music for the film "Fortress of Contemporary Art", gave recommendations for the overall musical design, ensured the distribution of 100 copies of the film in Norway, organized an exhibition in Oslo with part of the paintings and panels created by the project .