The overall goal of the project is to improve the sexual and reproductive health of young people from vulnerable and marginalized groups and to reduce health inequalities. Тhe specific objectives are: 1. To improve access of young people from vulnerable communities to comprehensive and quality services in the field of sexual and reproductive health ((SRH), including counseling for HIV/AIDS prevention; 2. To raise general awareness and improve knowledge of adolescents in the area of sexual and reproductive health and to encourage responsible and healthy behavior; 3. To encourage and support development of family planning and development of community capacity in 14 settlements in Bulgaria. The target group of the project belongs to extremely marginalized communities. The project is expected to reach at least 10340 beneficiaries with medical services and community based health education and information. In addition, 28 health professionals and 18 field workers will also benefit with capacity development activities. A total of 640 young people will be trained and at least 9 support groups will be set up.
Summary of project results
The goal of the project was to improve the sexual and reproductive health of young people and to reduce social inequality. Its specific objectives included improved access to services for prevention of sexually transmitted infections and HIV, supporting family planning activities and increasing of the overall awareness on issues in the field of sexual and reproductive health and behavior modification. The project was implemented amongst marginalized communities (largely associated as Roma) in 14 locations of Bulgaria. Having in mind the low awareness level related to health issues and especially in the field of the sexual and reproductive health, the project contributed for better knowledge and more responsible behavior. The activities related to the establishment of the groups for self-support and information, and the elaborated info and promo materials had particularly great impact. In the frame of the project implementation this resulted in increased demand for medical services. The provision of medical services was successful as the engaged medical specialists were experienced and motivated to perform their tasks. The distribution of the medical services as number depended on the size of the targeted population. As a result of the project 5306 individual sexual and reproductive consultations were done, 3008 tests for HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, 1516 Syphilis tests, 906 tests for Gonorrhea, Trichomoniasis and Chlamydia and 574 microbiology and cystology were done. 551 woman using IUDs were consulted, 785 young people and 86 municipal, health and social specialists were trained. As part of the project 55 municipalities were started procedures for hiring of health mediators as their role was assessed positively. The activities related to mapping and advocacy at local level had the purpose to assure reliable snap shot of the current situation in the marginalized communities in the selected locations. The information was used as basis for further advocacy to the local authorities at municipality level in order to assure continuous action for health prevention.
Summary of bilateral results