Youth Council Maritsa

Project facts

Project promoter:
Agrarian Youth Union
Project Number:
Target groups
Young adults,
Non governmental organisation
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 3,794
The project is carried out in:
Пловдив / Plovdiv


The project aims at including the NGOs in Maritsa Municipality in local policy- and decision-making. The project aims at ensuring the involvement of NGOs and community centres via a youth council monitoring the municipal council sessions. First, the project will be presented to the local community. Second, meetings will be held with the local NGOs to discuss the common needs and active participation mechanisms. Third, active young people will be identified and trained in leadership, civic engagement, sustainable social development, governance and operation of youth councils. Fourth, a youth council will be set up and cooperation with the local authorities will be established. Finally, the project will be evaluated and the outcomes will be presented to the public. The project will benefit the youth leaders involved, the NGOs, the local community and local authorities.

Summary of project results

The main problem targeted by the project activities was the lack of motivation among young people and NGOs to get involved in local decision-making, in decisions related to youth activities and local community centres in particular. It was necessary to have a dialogue with the active young people, NGOs and community centres in Maritsa Municipality and with support from the municipality walk the road of youth involvement in a constructive dialogue with local authorities. The project set up the informal group “Budilnic” (Alarm Clock) which represents the core of Maritsa Youth Council. At the end of 2016 elections will be held for the official members, the statute, legitimacy and the 2017 budget for the work of Maritsa Youth Council. Our active awareness raising campaign helped us reach many young people; the training held had impact on the participants; more people joined in the successive sessions. A change in the attitudes of young people to local administration was observed. The expected result was achieved, i.e. 37 young people were trained and they actively took part in proposals (3 reported proposals) and decision-making together with NGOs and the municipality (a budget of 10 000 BGN was adopted for the work of the informal group). For more information, please, visit: and,https://www.f…

Summary of bilateral results