In the area of poviat myslenice,recent years have seen an increase in infant mortality. The main objective of the project is the development of innovative methods of prevention, diagnostics and treatment in perinatal period, and the improvement of health care for mother and child. This fits the priorities stipulated in national strategies as well as the Multi-annual program of action for health 2014-2020. Indicators of the outcome of the project are the numbers of patients benefiting from the improvement of health care services (1800), implemented infrastructural projects (1), training sessions for medical personnel (2), tests for pregnant women and mothers (2 series), and wards equipped in necessary equipment (2). The project delivers trainings for 49 persons of the medical personnel, purchase of 2 pieces of diagnostic and therapeutic equipment, modernization of a hospital building, implementation of educational programme for pregnant women, and the adaptation of 22 rooms to the needs of new medical equipment. The women of child-bearing age, pregnant women, mothers and infants, and medical personnel are the beneficiaries of the project.
Summary of project results
From the 1st of September 2014 to the 30th of April 2017 the Self-governing Public Health Center in Myślenice was realising the project named „The modernisation of of gynegological – obstetric ward together with neonatology as a chance for Myślenice County population of the access to modern methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment in perinatal period as well as the improvement of the quality of mother and child care” on the basis of the agreement with the Ministry of Health No 025/471/7/MF EOG NMF/2014/00/1088/1090. Within the project the modern equipment of the highest rank rank was purchased, they were the following: an ultrasound used to detect congenital defect in 3D imaging, MONAKO-the system of central obstetric monitoring which enables complex care about an unborn baby and gives possibility to monitor CTG line simultaneously of many patients and its objectve, repeatable and automatic analysis, and also the device for microinvasive diagnosis of fertility and reproduction disorders. General renovation and modernisation have been realised in Gyneacology-Obstetric and Neonatology wards and they were also equipped with highly specialistic devices such as: 2 ultrasounds, the system of monitoring vital signs, the device for microinvasive diagnosis of fertility and reproduction disorders, the device for urodynamic examinations together with software, 9 cardiac monitors, videocolposcopy device, histeroscopy device, pulseoximeter, incubator, 40 hospitalbeds together with cabinets, infusion pumps, InfantFlow device, a device for measuring the level of bilirubin and many others. The project covered the group of pregnant women and offered them specialist prenatal care, nearly 4340 prenatal ultrasound were done in order to detect early potential congenital defects. Within the post-hospital monitoring, there were 5547 health service provided such as ultrasound examination of hip joint of infants and post-hospital conusltations were offered to women who gave birth. The information about the project and preventive examinations was transmitted via Polish TV TVP3, in the newspapers, on the hospital website, posters and leaflets. Within the period of 21 months educational classes for pregnant women and their families were provided twice a week in the Childbirth School.
Summary of bilateral results