The project is needed due to an increase in number of patients requiring palliative & long-term care, and insufficient knowledge about palliative & long term care among medical staff and the public. The project aims to improve the availability, quality and standard of palliative & long-term care. The number of patients benefiting from improving health services are 425, training sessions will be conducted for 59 medical staff, and purchased 87 pcs of diagnostic and therapeutic equipment. The project will do so by increasing the number of beds for palliative & long-term care, purchasing medical equipment, and equipment to facilitate the care and work of medical staff, as well as devices, and diagnostic and therapeutic equipment. The target group is the Public Complex of Palliative Care in Suwalki, as well as patients, their families, and administrative and medical staff. Planned informational and promotional activities will emphasize the contribution of financial resources from the Donors Countries.
Summary of project results
The objective of the project was to improve the availability, quality and standard of palliative and long-term care in the Podlaskie voivodship. The main problems in this area were 1) increasing number of patients needed paliative care as well as long-term care 2) insufficient capacity of the entities providing respective medical treatment 3) insufficient knowledge of medical staff on paliative and long-term care 4) lack of modern medical equipment. All these problems have been solved in public complex of paliative care in Suwalki (SPZOP) by implementing the project. The direct target group ware patients of the SPZOP, the project promoter and medical Staff employed. The purchase of medical equipment of diagnostic and therapeutic purpose was conducted - 87 pcs (87 target). Under non-investment part of the project trainings and postgraduate studies for medical Staff ware organised. 23 training sessions were completed (14 target) with 253 graduation certificates given (59 target). Also postgraduate studies for 2 psychologists and expert courses for 5 nurses were held. 525 patients benefited from the project (425 target). All project indicators were achieved and even exceeded. Promotional activities were also conducted according to attachment no 4 of Regulation (conferences, outdoor event, website, commemorative plaques) There was no partnership in the project and the project promoter did not benefit from the Fund for Bilateral Relations. It is planned to sustain the project results for at least 5 years after the acceptance of Project Comple– project equipment will maintained by fund established by the project promoter and medical services will be delivered with no chargé, financed from public funds.
Summary of bilateral results