The expected result of the programme is the improvement of prenatal care. This will be reached through the extension and fitting of the obstetric and gynaecological pavilion with a part of Pregnancy Pathology Department as well as the extension and renovation of adjacent rooms; through specialist trainings for doctors on intrauterine fetal surgeries; a programme of health promotion and education; and prophylactic programme. The direct target group is the “Zdroje” Independent Public Specialist Health Care Centre in Szczecin. The investment measures cover the entire Zachodniopomorskie province as well as patients coming from all over Poland (in the scope of intrauterine fetal surgeries). The non-investment measures target residents of the Szczecin subregion, but a part of the planned measures will reach the residents of the entire province through commonly available means of communication.
Summary of project results
The purpose of the project was to open the Pregnancy Pathology Ward through development of the existing Obstetrics and Gynaecology Ward, which would allow to take care of women whose pregnancy develops in an improper way (due to various reasons). Moreover, the project involved specialist trainings for hospital medical staff. Prophylactic programmes constituted the next part of the project: The prophylaxis of cervical cancer (an information campaign and vaccinations against HPV for girls) and the Programme of medical examinations for women under 35 in respect of detecting foetal birth defects. The programme of health promotion among the inhabitants of Szczecin and the surrounding municipalities constituted a part of the project whose objective is to increase knowledge and awareness of present and future parents. This programme comprised such actions as: organisation of the Club for the parents of babies, classes for the parents of premature infants; organisation of Route antenatal classes, free workshops preparing future parents to birth; information and promotion campaigns: Everyone has got their mum (raising awareness concerning the significance of feeding the offspring with the mother's milk); Plan and brought up consciously (trainings for future parents on how to take care of the offspring); a single mum (i.e. a school for mothers from single mothers houses); publication of information and instruction material on the above-mentioned areas; the material was to make it easier for parents to cope with situations covered with the above-mentioned promotion campaigns and trainings. All planned indicators were achieved: modernisation of the building was conducted as planned, the number of places available for pregnant women has increased, 2878 persons took part in prophylactic programmes, 1412 patients benefited from improved medical services, 160 members of staff were trained, advice concerning health education and health promotion was given to almost 3 thousand people.
Summary of bilateral results