Adjusting the "Waligóra” facility in Sokołowsko to provide long-term care for the elderly, dependents and chronically ill people

Project facts

Project promoter:
Sanatoria Dolnośląskie Sp z o.o. (limited liability company)
Project Number:
Target groups
Elderly people
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 1,496,671
The project is carried out in:


Europe, including Poland, is aging at an alarming rate. Analyzing the demographic situation of the area that will influence an ongoing project, it should be noted that in the district Wałbrzyski suffers serious problems due to the aging population. In 2000, people above the age of 60 accounted for less than 20% of the people who inhabit the district of Wałbrzyski and at the end of 2011, the number represents about 23% of the total county community. Important challenges facing society are to provide old dependents with different kinds of diseases of old age with a sufficient number of seats in care and treatment facilities and nursing homes, or to organize other forms of support and care. The project aims at providing diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation in accordance with EBM/HTA standards and is addressed to the elderly, chronically ill and their dependents. The project includes adjusting the facility to the needs of elderly and disabled patients, workshops for patients and trainings for nursing and medical personnel. The target groups also include medical staff and carers.

Summary of project results

The assumptions of project include comprehensive support for both patients of the centre, as well as for employees working in their favour. The general purpose of the project is to conduct diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of the elderly, chronically ill and dependent persons, according to the standards of EMR and to the latest medical technologies in a restored and modernized medical institution “Waligora” in Sokolowsko. The general purpose of the project will be achieved through the implementation of intermediate targets: Restoration and reconstruction of the building “Waligora” – adaptation of the building for the purposes of the health care centre; Use of occupational therapy for treatment and improvement of the patients in order to restore their functions; Evaluation of Medical Research (EMR) – practicing medicine in a way enabling to integrate the conclusions learned from current and reliable scientific reports of clinical experience and patient preferences. Practicing medicine in accordance with the principles of EMR, as a continuous process of self-improvement of own professional skills on the basis of the results of current and reliable research. The project provides for the implementation of three separated modules: 1. Task involving the renovation of the building Waligora, where there will be built a modern medical institution, responding to the needs of the local community. 2. Implementation of the cycle of occupational therapy workshops for patients of medical institutions, tailored to the needs of persons staying in such institutions. The project provides for conducting 4000 hours of therapeutic workshops. 3. Implementation of a specialized training for the staff. Skills acquired during the training will improve the functioning of the medical staff in social relations, and most importantly, will contribute to faster and more effective curing of patients. Knowledge and skills acquired during the training will make the patient feel safer, just by satisfying these needs. Sense of security and trust is very important in the long-term treatment. Outcomes: Number of patients to whom were delivered medical suport: 140; 13 implemented therapheutic programmes and 9049 hours of therapeutical workshop; the purchased equipment for rehabilitation 32 ; number of medical service which promoted healthy life style 3744. In 31 training session for medical staff attended 141 people

Summary of bilateral results