Summary of project results
"During pregnancy and in the period of delivery women are entitled to special healthcare guaranteed by Art. 68 par. 3 of the Polish Constitution and by medical care standards, in force since 2012, concerning provision of healthcare services in the field of perinatal care offered to women in the period of physiological pregnancy, childbirth, delivery, and care for newborn child. The aim of the standards was to improve the quality of medical care and to introduce new procedures amending the existing methods. In view of the lack of tools to monitor implementation of the standards, as well as the low awareness of women on their legal rights, hospitals fail to observe the standards. The aim of the project was to assess the level of implementation of the standards in Małopolskie voivodeship, to identify barriers in their implementation, and to prepare recommendations to enhance their implementation throughout the country. Under the project, the social auditing of all 28 maternity hospitals and wards in Małopolska was led (questionnaires for women who gave birth after 01.05.2013 gathered in hospitals and on the page; applications for access to public information), legal advisory services were offered, 22 perinatal circles were organised. Based on 3602 questionnaires, 28 reports for hospitals and a general report for the voivodeship were prepared, as well as recommendations for hospitals, their personnel, the Ministry of Health, and motions to hospitals concerning needed changes, activities and analyses of validity of selected practices. Under the project, meetings with hospitals were organised to discuss the results of the survey and diagnose problems. As a result of the meetings, publication of rankings and media coverage of the project, 70% of hospitals declared their willingness to introduce changes to better implement the standards, e.g. through internal monitoring of the quality of care, education of women, periodical trainings for their employees in the standards and communication with patients. The data gathered and contacts established with hospitals and other organisations will help in future activities. The project benefited hospitals in Małopolska, women and their partners."