The project is designed to develop awareness and understanding and to mobilise action against discrimination in local and online communities. The key aspect of the project is collective action for change, the use of new media, project work and active involvement of young people at each every level of the process, as well as personal commitment. The target group includes students and teachers, NGO leaders, media, and indirectly, local communities and minorities which are discriminated against. The project will be implemented across Poland.The project will produce education and campaign resources, support the implementation of student projects aimed at fight against discrimination in 80 schools, offer training for 40 teachers, 120 non-governmental leaders and seminars for 120 bloggers and vloggers. A brochure presenting best practices will be produced to help disseminate the project outcomes; to the same effect, a wrap-up conference will be held and new and traditional media will be approached.
Summary of project results
"According to the Educational Research Institute, about 10 per cent of Polish pupils are regularly subjected to bullying; verbal violence among young people is widespread. Only integrated activities of the Ministry of Education, the management staff in schools, teachers, parents and local communities can bring expected results - schools that are free of discrimination and safe. The aim of the project implementation was sensitising students of secondary education to the issue of discrimination and mobilizing them to undertake activities aiming to combat discrimination in local and Internet communities. Thanks to the project implementation, 615 young people were prepared to conduct activities aiming to combat discrimination in 131 secondary schools throughout Poland. 121 social leaders learned how to recognize violations of human rights and how to design activities aiming to counteract unequal treatment. Scenarios for workshops on counteracting discrimination and hate speech were developed and training for teachers, social leaders, bloggers and vloggers was conducted. The young participants developed and implemented 109 projects in their school communities. Young people aged 13-19 from various schools all over Poland benefited from the project implementation. The Association cooperated with the AI Norway - International Centre of Human Rights Education. The partner provided expertise and support in teaching of human rights, particularly preparing workshop scenarios and evaluation."
Summary of bilateral results
The Association wanted to strengthen cooperation with Amnesty International Norway in the field of human rights education, methodology, and evaluation of education activities engaged in. Association representatives participated in a study visit to Norway, where the Partner organisation delivered a workshop on work methods and tools, education project survey methods, and project management solutions.