The project will target 60 young people in residential and day care (children's homes, therapy centres etc.) who are threatened by social exclusion in the Małopolska Province. Activities will include video, photography, information technology and psychology workshops. Beneficiaries will apply the newly acquired skills and will organise exhibitions, produce videos and develop online activities. Finally, a campaign for tolerance and against online hate speech will be designed and delivered. Beneficiaries will have the opportunity to invite their friends from school to ensure better socialisation. They will become groups leaders, authors and creative artists. The project partner, the Babel Images Foundation, will contribute its team of experts in the field of photography projects. The project will end with an open arts contest about tolerance and fight against online hate speech for all young people in the Małopolska region to ensure a broader appeal.
Summary of project results
"Young people attending education and care centres face a lot of problems resulting from their educationally inefficient families. They have problems at school and experience emotional difficulties, which often result in not being accepted and in not being able to find their place in the local community and at school. Feeling lost in the surrounding reality, low self-esteem and difficulties in communicating with others often lead to depression and marginalizatio. There are 289 education and care centres in the Małopolskie voivodships - including 72 residential centres - which take care of 1,223 young people, out of which c. 37 per cent are at the age of 14-16. 12,958 young people used services of day-care centres (Main Statistical Office data). The need an opportunity for an equal start. Consultations that were carried out showed that only a small percentage of them undertake activities outside the centre or their school, which makes their socialisation more difficult. The aim of the project was to enable young pupils from the education and care centres from the Małopolskie voivodships to take part in educational activities outside the centre and school. Encouraging them to take part in art activities, the project aimed also to get them acquainted with intolerance and hate speech on the Internet. 55 girls and 53 boys from education and care centres made videos and photographs depicting intolerance, discrimination and hate speech that they experience. They also undertook activities related to tolerance and hate speech. 29 photographic workshops and 18 workshops on video making were conducted. Young people took part in such cultural events as World press Photo, Photomonth, Film Festival After Hours. They also participated in TV workshops in the Kraków branch of the tv channel TVN. 9 photo exhibitions, 8 video shows and the film gala of the “Tolerance on board!"" project were organized. The project beneficiaries were young people aged 12-19 from 7 centres from the Małopolskie voivodships. Babel Images Foundation, the project partner, conducted the photography workshops, organized exhibitions and administered the project website. They also helped organize the competition on the best work on tolerance and counteracting hate speech on the Internet, with the aim of appealing to more recipients of the project activities."
Summary of bilateral results