Time to Volunteer

Project facts

Project promoter:
Kwiatonowickie Organization Homini
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
Young adults
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 84,049
The project is carried out in:

More information


The project seeks to create encourage voluntary work among young people in secondary schools in County Gorlice. The aims is to foster citizenship, develop skills needed by volunteers, create a “voluntary class", provide guidance and to help set up School Voluntary Work Clubs in secondary schools which will be affiliated in the Local Voluntary Work Centre in Gorlice. In addition, a civic advice help desk will be created and a major campaign will be launched to promote volunteering.

Summary of project results

"CBOS polls held in February 2013 suggest only one in twenty Poles worked as a volunteer. According to the World Giving Index 2012, Poland ranks 94 globally in this respect. In addition, a 2011 Gallup Institute study reveals that only 16 per cent of youth get involved in community or voluntary initiatives. The distribution is not even. The smaller the community, the lower the level of involvement. There are no structured volunteering opportunities in County Gorlice. There is no organisation that consistently promotes or support volunteering. The KSH's studies and experience confirm that charity has died out in the community and local youth associate it only with ad hoc campaigns. Young people are willing to take part in food collection, the Noble Christmas Parcel etc. Gorlice has the highest percentage of citizens over 70 (19.3 per cent) but only 35 per cent of seniors who need help get in regularly via public programmes. Seniors living on their own often lack the support of their close ones and can only hope for occasional assistance from community carers. Structured volunteering activities will spread in the county and they will fill some of the gaps in government provision for elderly care. The project is designed to promote youth volunteering in welfare services in County Gorlice. Forty two students in two secondary schools have been trained to volunteer their time for residents of welfare homes. They formed 14 community resident-student dyads. Five schools started volunteering clubs, training was provided to students and teachers, a Civic Helpdesk was launched, a study trip was organised a volunteer gala was held. Beneficiaries included students and teachers in five secondary schools in County Gorlice and residents of a local welfare home. The project was implemented in partnership with the Gorlice Municipal and County Government that helped liaise with the schools and the welfare home."

Summary of bilateral results