A nationwide project to evaluate the system of passenger railway transport as to its compatibility with European and national law, and with European good practices. The number of railway connections has significantly dropped in Poland, limiting and increasing costs of mobility for many people. We will evaluate whether public funds for railways are spent in an optimal and legal way. Publishing 11 analyses with recommendations and intensive meetings with decision-makers, presence in media and promotion in the Internet should lead to initiating changes in the existing practices. In the long run, it should help to change the present trends, increase the number of passengers, and limit social exclusion of people having no access to public transport. Partnership with IPT and informal cooperation with INSPRO will help to combine the knowledge on organisation of railway transport with the experience in mobilising support.
Summary of project results
The need for the project resulted from poor organisation of passenger railway transport in many parts of the country. Train connections are rare when compared to other EU countries, not only from the West, but also e.g. Czech Republic or Hungary, while subsidies to every train-kilometer are often similar to those in Germany or France. As shown by the analyses from CZT, the situation is not exceptional. Rare train services are expensive. High costs of maintenance of the railway stock (and employees) have to be borne in spite of the fact that for most of the time the trains are not used. And the few running trains are empty, because unattractive timetables lead to the loss of passengers. The aim of the project was to increase the numbers of train connections without considerable increase in financing - through enhancing knowledge and motivation of decision-makers and organising pressure from the general public. For 8 voivodeships and 2 interregional connections reports were prepared proposing, based on available materials and own comparisons, more effective timetables, and presenting their financial evaluation. The draft was sent to the authorities, councillors and media. Through the Internet, 23 411 signatures were gathered supporting 11 petitions, 13 meetings with decision-makers took place, 66 articles were published in media, 50 radio spots were broadcast. The project ended up with a conference where representatives of municipalities and railway operators got acquainted with the proposed solutions. CZT personnel took part in 2 study visits, thus enhancing their knowledge on good practices in railway transport. It seems that in Podlaskie voivodeship, the number of connections will increase in 2017 by 50%, in Świętokrzyskie voivodeship by 33%, and in Dolnośląskie voivodeship already starting from December 2016 more trains will run on one of the main routes. In addition, the Ministry of Infrastructure started works on introducing the system of joint ticket for trains run by different operators, as proposed in one of the petitions. The project benefited mainly passengers. The partner supported project management, participated in surveys on transport potential and in preparing the report for Łódzkie and other voivodeships.
Summary of bilateral results